Monday, July 9, 2012

Digging up Arafat


There is pressure from the widow of Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini to exhume the body of her late husband, commonly known as Yasser Arafat.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, known in terrorist circles as Abu Mazen, authorized the disentombing of Arafat's remains Monday (9 July 2012).

According to some sources, Arafat was murdered. Exactly how he met his demise is not clear; some say he was poisoned by "a lethal radioactive isotope," specifically polonium, the same isotope that allegedly was used by the Russian KGB to assassinate a former agent in London in 2006.

Other sources, primarily French medical practitioners - Arafat died at France's Percy Military Hospital - suggest that Arafat died due to AIDS or to a massive brain hemorrhage.

How Arafat died really is no concern of Jews or Israel; we KNOW that no matter what is discovered, if anything, Israel will be blamed.

Perhaps Arafat's widow, Suha, really does suddenly want to know what killed her husband eight years ago, She apparently didn't care at the time or perhaps she was not allowed to ask about her husband's cause of death.

More likely, someone or some group wants to point yet another finger at Israel.

According to the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) at, "To give credence to the poisoning story, the PA has reported on an international intrigue in which Israel initiated the murder plan, the US approved it with certain conditions, and the French doctors who treated Arafat concealed the truth in order to salvage the peace process."

Unlike those who contend that JFK's murder was ordered by a US government agency - you pick the agency - or that man never made it to the moon - the cause of Arafat's death will become a UN issue and the UN will do, as it almost always does, condemn Israel.

Proof of Israel's involvement won't be necessary and proof of Israel's NON-involvement, if any, will be ignored.