Thursday, July 26, 2018


Tu (15th) b’Av
Day for Jews

AS WITH MANY THINGS JEWISH, many – perhaps most – non-observant Jews are ignorant about the 15th (ט’’ו) of Av.
Every non-observant Jewish woman knows about Valentine’s Day, albeit she may not know much about the martyr for whom the day is named.

Many older non-observant Jewish men relate the name to the St. Valentine’s Day massacre in Chicago in 1929.1

Looking at both – Valentine’s day and Tu b’Av.

WE'LL DEAL FIRST WITH Valentine’s day, even though Tu b’Av precedes it by centuries and is mentioned in the Talmuds.

According to several web sites, Valentine was an early follower of Paul (Jesus’ PR man par excellence) whose real claim to fame was encouraging fellow followers to marry. This apparently was counter to the local Roman ruler’s desire since he wanted an army of single men. Emperors being testy, Valentine allegedly paid with his life. His bones can be found in a dozen churches across Europe.

Where did the ruler get THAT idea? Open a humash to Devarim (Deuteronomy), chapter 20, verses 1 to 9, and chapter 24, verse 5. where we learn what exempts a man from going to war.

None of the Valentine sites suggests the priest, a contemporary of Emperor Claudius Gothicus (269-270 CE) and the man who ordered Valentine’s death, ever married (permitted at the time). The closest Valentine is alleged to have come to anything romantic is encouraging couples to marry.

On the other hand, despite the fact he was – again “allegedly” – executed on February 14, he has no connection with the events in Chicago in 1929.

Some have suggested2 that Valentine’s Day is a Christian reconstruction of a pagan fertility festival known as Lupercalia. However, in his paper St. Valentine, Chaucer and Spring in February, 20th-century literary scholar Jack B. Oruch debunks this theory, showing that it was based on a mistaken understanding of Church chronology put forth by the English antiquarian Alban Butler in 1756 and propagated by other scholars in the 19th century.

An aside. Even the date, February 14, must be suspect. The Catholic church changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.3 starting in 1582, long after Valentine’s bones were scattered to churches around Europe.


The My Jewish Learning site4 offers that
Originally a post-biblical day of joy, it served as a matchmaking day for unmarried women in the Second Temple period (before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.). Tu B’Av was almost unnoticed in the Jewish calendar for many centuries but it has been rejuvenated in recent decades, especially in the modern state of Israel.

There is no way to know exactly how early Tu B’Av began. The first mention of this date is in the Mishnah (compiled and edited in the end of the second century), where Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel is quoted saying:
There were no better (i.e. happier) days for the people of Israel than the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur, since on these days the daughters of Israel/Jerusalem go out dressed in white and dance in the vineyards. What were they saying: Young man, consider whom you choose (to be your wife)? (Ta’anit, Chapter 4)

While HaAretz !4 offers several suggestions as the origin of Tu b’Av, the one I learned early on is
Rabbah bar Hana got more specific. He said that Rabbi Johanan bar Nappaha (usually referred to simply as R. Yochanan) said the 15th of Av marks the end of a prohibition to marrying the daughters of the tribe of Benjamin, as described in the Book of Judges, no doubt due to the passage in that story that reads: “And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.” (21:21)

According to Wikipedia5
The Battle of Gibeah is an episode related in the Book of Judges. The battle was triggered by an incident in which a concubine of a man from the Tribe of Levi was raped and abused by members of the Tribe of Benjamin and later died. The Levite had offered his concubine to the mob in his place. In the morning he found the concubine unresponsive on the doorstep. He later cut her body into twelve pieces, and sent the pieces throughout all the territories of the Israelite tribes.

The outraged tribes of Israel sought justice, and asked for the miscreants to be delivered for judgment. The Benjamites refused, so the tribes then sought vengeance, and in the subsequent war, the members of Tribe of Benjamin were systematically killed, including women and children; when Benjamin was nearly 'extinguished', it was decided that the tribe should be allowed to survive, and all the men from another town, Jabesh Gilead, who had refused to take part in the punishment of the Tribe of Benjamin, were killed, so that their daughters could be wed to the surviving men of Benjamin. The first king of Israel, Saul, was descended from these surviving men. Due to this war, the Tribe of Benjamin was subsequently referred to as "the smallest of all the tribes

The story I heard was that the daughters of the other tribes went out into the fields, all attired in similar fashion, and the remaining Benjamite men “captured” the maidens and made them their wives.

HaAretz, a once independent and professional newspaper (c 1975), offers a number of other interesting possibilities.


According to the My Jewish Learning site2, “The academic work of Oruch and other scholars further proves that Valentine’s Day is not derived from the pagan holiday Lupercalia. Finally, the desire to express love and to offer gifts as a symbol of those feelings is certainly in line with Jewish tradition and values. The idea of a special day set aside to encourage couples is also well rooted in the Jewish tradition: Tu B’Av, the 15th day of the Jewish month of Av, was an ancient day of matchmaking that has experienced something of a revival in modern times.
While it does not represent every opinion in Jewish literature, the source from the Rama6 does provide the most salient criteria for making this decision according to Jewish law and it is the basis upon which many rabbis allow Jewish participation in Valentine’s Day rituals.”








PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on Tu b’Av

Friday, July 13, 2018

Eyes that do not see

Never been there
But they know
All about Israel

I’M ALWAYS AMAZED – even though I know I should not be – when I read commentary on Israel by people who never have been there.
They are “experts” who base their expertise on hearsay from others who, like them, never have been to Israel.

I know you don’t have to be a chicken to know how to cook an egg, but it pays to have some first hand experience with a subject before pontificating about it.

FOR THE RECORD, I’ve been there. I lived and worked there.

I’m not there now (although my grandchildren and their parents are there) so I am reluctant to tell anyone how things are in Israel.

I DO know that Arabs and Jews can coexist, and I know that Arabs from the PA territories cross into Israel on a daily basis to do jobs the Jews won’t do.

I also know there are those who suspect the worst from any Arab who happens by. The suspicious people often have a basis for their distrust; a distrust inculcated in them when they were children in a Muslim-dominated country.

Israelis are known for their “hutzpah” – but how do the Israel-haters manage to gall to condemn Israel based on second or third, or even fourth hand, stories.

Israel is an “apartheid state.”

Do they even KNOW that “apartheid” means?

According to the Britannica – the Brits certainly know about “apartheid” from their domination of the Indian sub-continent –

Apartheid, (Afrikaans: “apartness”) policy that governed relations between South Africa’s white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites. The implementation of apartheid, often called “separate development” since the 1960s, was made possible through the Population Registration Act of 1950, which classified all South Africans as either Bantu (all black Africans), Coloured (those of mixed race), or white. A fourth category—Asian (Indian and Pakistani)—was later added

There is some prejudice by some European Jews against anyone who is “different”; be the scorned person Jew or Arab. But “apartheid?” No.

There are some Jews in Israel who want “Jewish-only” communities. Scandalous. Never mind that a Muslim in the PA could be executed for selling property to a Jew. And never mind the “over 50” communities in the U.S. or the “Super Jew” enclaves everywhere who turn away anyone who is not like them. That’s not “apartheid,” it is – at least in the case of the Super Jews – just plain bigotry.

As far as mistreating Israeli Arabs, it happens, but it is the exception to the rule.

When missiles were falling near Haifa, my in-laws and I went to a local beach. I watched as a Muslim family strolled along the beach and no one – not Jew nor Arab nor ANYONE – molested them physically or verbally.

Drive from Tel Aviv to Afula, staying within Israel, and look at the beautiful houses on the hills on both sides of the road. Beautiful Arab houses; houses owned by Israeli Muslims.

Apartheid? Mistreatment?

Anyone with eyes can see those claims are lies.

Board a train or a bus in Israel. There is no separate seating for Arabs. (The Super Jews insist on separate seating for men and for women.) Going to Natsaret (Nazareth) from Haifa, take your choice of buses: Egged or an Arab line. Harking back to the U.S. War for Southern Independence (a/k/a U.S. Civil War) and the railroad lines in Indiana: “Pay the fare, and ride the rails” – regardless of the color of your uniform. Same with buses in Israel; I’ve ridden both “Jewish” and “Arab” buses sans incident. Inter-city taxis: there is a very good chance the driver will be an Israeli Arab. I managed to pick up a few words in Arabic riding in taxis driven by Israeli Arabs.

Anyone who wants to believe the Israel haters’ lies needs to stay out of Israel else they will be hard pressed to continue their misconceptions.

A few words about Gaza. Most Gazans are originally Egyptians. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005; leaving communities with thriving export businesses. The Gaza Muslims quickly destroyed the existing infrastructure, and with it the export business.

Israel DID shut its border with Gaza to prevent terrorists from easily entering Israel. But how many Israel haters know – and admit – that Egypt ALSO shut its borders with Gaza and Egypt ALSO destroys terrorists’ tunnels.

About the fence between Israel and the PA.

Granted it’s an inconvenience for PA residents, but it DOES reduce the number of PA citizens who invade Israel to kill anyone they encounter – Jew and non-Jew alike.

When the PA makes peace with Israel, they will enjoy a better life.

Egypt made peace with Israel. Both Egypt and Israel benefited.

Jordan made peace with Israel. Both Jordan and Israel benefited.

It is very easy to believe, and repeat, others lies.

It is difficult to open eyes and see the reality on the ground.

They have eyes but do not see; they have ears but do not hear. (Psalm 135:16-17)

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on Eyes that do not see

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Some thoughts
About the
Ninth of Av

EREV TISHA B’AV (9th of Av) 5778/2018 starts Shabat evening, July 21 this year; the fast begins, according to my calendars, BEFORE Shabat ends (about 40 minutes before the official end of Shabat).

One of only two roughly 25-hour fasts on the Jewish calendar, the other being Yom Kipor; when Tisha b’Av happens, you know the other fast is near at hand (in 2018, it starts on Tuesday, September 18).

SOME TISHA B’AV rules and customs from the North African (mostly Moroccan) perspective. The sources are cited near the end of the entry.

For others’ customs, check with a rabbi, hakham, or written sources. There are a multitude of sources for Ashkenazim; the late R. Ovadia Yosef seems the prime authority for Mizrachim (עדות המזרח). R. Ovadia and North African and Moroccan traditions often are different. All my sources are in modern, simple Hebrew.

This blog effort does not attempt to cover all things “Tisha b’Av.” Most, such as wearing non-leather shoes (belts are OK), and the reasons for Tisha b’Av are pretty much well known by all observant Jews. For curious non-observant Jews and non-Jews who might stumble onto this blog, may I recommend:
This Is My God (Wouk)
To Be a Jew and To Pray as a Jew (Donin)
The (First) Jewish Book of Why (Kolatch).

Rosh Hodesh

When Rosh Hodesh Av is announced, instead of saying יהי רצון the hazan says מחדש חודשים.1

Personal care

Fingernails may be cleaned and trimmed until the week in which Tisha b’Av falls. For 2018, that would be Friday the 13th (of July).1

Many men take their last haircut before Tisha b’Av just before 17 Tamuz. Those that wait usually take their last haircut before Rosh Hodesh Av.1

No meat on Tisha b’Av until the evening meal after dark on the following day. (The fast ends at nightfall on 10th of Av and dairy and parve foods may be consumed, but no meat of any type until at least half the day of the 11th os Av has passed.)1

NON-leather shoes are worn on all fast days in most traditions; North African minhagim are no exception. 2

Shaving is omitted on all fast days in most traditions; North African minhagim are no exception.2

With the minyan

13 attributes are said aloud when ויחל is read. The reader comes to the 13 attributes, stops, and the congregation recites them aloud; then the reader goes back and reads them. Mizrachim, in contrast to North African tradition, remain silent during the reading.4

Cohanic blessings (ברכת הכהנים) is not said during either morning or afternoon services.4

HaAzenu (האזינו) is said in place of Sherat HaYam (שירת היים).4 R. Ovadia1, 4 follows the Ashkenazi tradition of הרמ’’א.

Kadish Tetkabel (קדיש תתקבל) is recited only at minhah, but not at erev Tisha b’Av or morning services.1, 4

Nahum (נחם) is said only in minhah; however, Eastern traditions recite it at all Tisha b’Av services.4

Tallit and tefillin are omitted at the morning (שחרית) services and worn at the afternoon (מנחה) service.3 However, R. Ovadia Yosel (עה”ש) said that the minhag Jerusalem is to don tallit and tefillin at the morning service. At the same time, Moroccan and later chief rabbi of Jerusalem, Hakham Shalom Messas, citing Maran (Yosef Caro/the Shulhan Aruk) and gaonim, writes that tallit and tefillin are not worn in the morning.4 Those who follow HaAri generally wear tallit and tefillin for the morning service. There also are those who put on tallit and tefillin at home, then remove them and join a minyan to pray without tallit and tefillin.1

Note in the image above there are men with tallit and tefilling and men sans tallit and tefillin. Different minhagim (traditions). (Click on the photo to enlarge in a new window.)


1. ילקות שמ’’ש

2. יהדות הלכה למעשה

3. הוד יוסף חי

4. דברי שלום ואמת

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on Tisha b’Av

Monday, July 2, 2018

No women allowed

Airlines need
Nudnik section

BACK IN THE DAY, when we slowly acknowledged there might be a problem with “second hand smoke,” carriers and lodgings started putting up “No Smoking in this Area” and “Smoking Allowed” signs.

Then a smoker, I didn’t object to taking my habit outside for a few minutes (albeit my non-smoking coworkers often objected to a “break” they didn’t get).

The common carriers that cater to the extreme “Orthodox” Jews need to have a “Men Only section so the untouchables won’t have to sit next to a woman .. or even a seat on which a woman sat.

Trans-oceanic flights typically are in jumbo – maybe “monster” is more accurate – jets. Lots of seats crammed closely together. Forget leg room and forget hip room. The only important thing is passenger mile revenue. (What are the options? Ocean liners? They are history.)

Boeing’s 747-8 seats 450 passengers in maximum discomfort configuration.

By contrast, the Airbus A380 only accommodates, in equal discomfort, 437 passengers.

Potential passengers are allowed to select seats – now usually as an extra cost service – when booking.

Perhaps the carriers that do a lot of business with the extremist Jews could carve out a space reserved for these nudniks. Charge them an extra 10% for the pleasure of sitting in a section where no woman will dare invade. Perhaps enclose the area with a curtain – a makhetzah – so they don’t even have to LOOK at females.

Most trans-oceanic flights on which I’ve had the misfortune to be a passenger had a male flight attendant (nee’ steward); this person could serve drinks and meals to passengers in this section. Many probably will BYOM – Bring Your Own Meals – since the heksure (certificate of kashrut) on airline meals isn’t by their rabbi.

Any extremist who fails to select a seat in the Men Only section will sit where the carrier puts them. If they object to the person sitting next to them and refuse the seat, remove them from the aircraft without delay – in other words, push back from the terminal on schedule.

The airlines that want this type passenger should advertise in media that caters to this type person. In most “ultra” communities there are “approved” (read “censored”) newspapers for this sect or that. Make it abundantly clear in English and Yiddish – G-d forbid the announcement should be made in Hebrew, the “holy tongue” reserved for men’s prayers – that

    (a) there is a special section for men who refuse to sit next to a woman,
    (b) seats in this area must be specified when ordering tickets and
    (c) there is a surcharge (or maybe “sir”charge) for special seating.

THE PROBLEM COMES with regional flights; flights between Israel and Europe.

These flights usually are made in smaller, equally uncomfortable, aircraft.

The “main contenders” in the regional market are

    (a) Airbus A 320
    (b) Boeing 737 series, and
    (c) Embraer 190.

The A 320 accommodates 168 passengers in the configuration shown below.

The Embraer 190 is the smallest of the three regionals and seats “only” 190 passengers. (There are smaller regional aircraft.) The Embraer layout is shown below.

Boeing’s 737, probably the most popular short-haul aircraft since the Douglas Commercial (DC) 3 (Goony Bird/C-47).

The latest 737-900ER in standard configuration accommodates 180 passengers. The image below illustrates the 737’s growth over the years to compete with Airbus.

The “big” regional aircraft still can be configured to segregate the Super Jew from the those pesky females who insist on traveling when the extremists want to fly.

Again, airlines need to offer special seating for the extremists, and again, the carrier should charge a premium for the privilege of isolation. On flights with only female flight attendants, the “see no woman, touch no woman, hear no woman” need to BYOM (ibid.) or snacks.

I find it amusing that these Super Jews apparently have no self-control. Even as a young man lo those many years ago I managed to sit next to a pretty woman and still control my baser thoughts.

But then I did my time in Uncle Sam’s military – unlike the draft dodger black hats here and in Israel – so even that sets me apart from the extremists. I even had a JOB and still had time to study.

I have no objection to an extremist Jew refusing to sit next to a woman or a non-religious Jew or even a non-Jew. Not a problem.

But if that person insists that the carrier accommodate him or else he should be politely – or not – ejected from the conveyance.

If my flight or bus or any other carrier is supposed to start its trip at a specific time, I expect it to begin on time (barring weather or mechanical complications).

Call me a bigot, but if I paid my fare I expect to leave my point of origin on time and arrive at my destination at least “about” the scheduled time.

I have no patience for people who behave like my three-year old grandsons when they don’t get their way.

You won’t sit next to a woman and you didn’t select a seat with your havereut (like-minded friends), then tough luck. Sit where you can or get off the conveyance.

The carriers

    (a) Should offer separate seating for ANYONE who wants it,
    (b) Charge for the service (now a common practice), and

I don’t believe there is anything illegal in offering special seating – airlines have been doing this for years – nor is a surcharge for seat selection illegal, another thing airlines have been doing for years.

Seat selection is NOT limited to Super Jews; affinity groups might wish to sit close to one another. Different section (separate from the Super Jews) but with a surcharge for seat selection.

Seems fair to me.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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