Tuesday, September 24, 2019


One Rosh HaShana
Not enough? We
Have three more

IF ONE ROSH HASHANA is not enough to satisfy our soul and your stomach, take heart.
Judaism has four ( ! ) roshi ha’shana.

I am not a rabbi nor do I play one on tv.
I cite my sources; please refer to them.

ALL OF THE NEW YEARS are mentioned in the Misna tractate Rosh HaShana. Logical.

NOTE: In most cases the spelling is as it appears in the cited text.

Rosh HaShana, the two-day everywhere new years is known in the Torah as the day Yom Ha-Zikkaron (the day of remembrance) or Yom Teruah (the day of the sounding of the shofar). The holiday is instituted in Leviticus 23:24-25.1 Rosh Hashanah is also known as Yom HaDin, “the Day of Judgment.”2

This Rosh HaShana is two of the three days when so-called “Three-Day Jews” managed to get to a synagogue or at the very least, to acknowledge the day. The other day is, of course, Yom Kippor.

Interestingly, while rabbis are wont to give overly-long sermons — off times demanded by the Three Day Jews — the Shabat before Pesach, Shabat HaGadol is traditionally the day of the longest sermon.3, 4

One way to stay alert is to count each of the shofar blasts. If the total is less than 100, someone was not paying attention or the day falls on Shabat.1

Akin to Pesach, there is a Rosh HaShana seder. The seder usually includes
* Dates
* Sesame or green beans
* Leeks (different from scallions)
* Beets or chard
* Pomegranate
* Pumpkin
* Apple dipped in honey
* Head of a fish (or sheep).

Tu b’Shavat — the 15 of the month of Shevat — is the “new year of trees.” It’s “full name” is "Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot", literally "New Year of the Trees." In contemporary Israel, the day is celebrated as an ecological awareness day, and trees are planted in celebration

John Kirkpatrick’s etrog orchard. (Susie Wyshak/Flickr)

Of the talmudic requirements for fruit trees which used Tu BiShvat as the cut-off date in the Hebrew calendar for calculating the age of a fruit-bearing tree, Orlah remains to this day in essentially the same form it had in talmudic times. In the Orthodox Jewish world, these practices are still observed today as part of Halacha, Jewish law. Fruit that ripened on a three-year-old tree before Tu BiShvat is considered orlah and is forbidden to eat, while fruit ripening on or after Tu BiShvat of the tree's third year is permitted. In the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th years of the Shmita cycle Maaser Sheni is observed today by a ceremony redeeming tithing obligations with a coin; in the 3rd and 6th years, Maaser Ani is substituted, and no coin is needed for redeeming it. Tu b’Shvat is the cut-off date for determining to which year the tithes belong.

Unlike the other new years, the New Year for Trees is celebrated on the 15th (ט"ו) of Shevat. Shamai ruled it should be, as are the other new years, on the first of the month. Hillel ruled it should be on the 15th5 and because he was Hillel, he prevailed.

Thanks to Rabbi Yitzchak Luria of Zefat, Tu b’Shavat, like Pesach, has a special meal, a seder. The main idea was that eating ten specific fruits and drinking four cups of wine in a specific order while reciting the appropriate blessings would bring human beings, and the world, closer to spiritual perfection. (ibid.)

There are few customs or observances related to this holiday. One custom is to eat a new fruit on this day, or to eat from the Seven Species (Shivat HaMinim) described in the Bible as being abundant in the land of Israel. The Shivat Haminim are: wheat, barley, grapes (vines), figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates (honey) (Deut. 8:8). You can make a nice kosher vegetarian pilaf from the shivat haminim: a bed of cooked bulgar wheat or wheat berries and barley, topped with figs, dates, raisins (grapes), and pomegranate seeds, served with a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar (grapes) and pomegranate juice.6

The four cups of wine for the Tu b’Shevat seder, as suggested by NJOP7 are
Pure White
Pale Pink (white with a drop of red)
Dark Pink (a mixture of white and red)
Almost Red ( red with a drop of white)

New Year of Kings This new year falls on the first of Nisan and is mentioned in Exodus 12:2 and Deuteronomy 16:1 and opens Mishna Rosh HaShana.

The first new year's day is the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, usually in the early spring (April). Nisan is considered the first month of the Hebrew calendar, though years are counted from the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month. The First of Nisan was considered the new year for counting the years of the reigns of kings in ancient Israel. It is also the new year for ordering the Jewish holidays. The month of Nisan is closely tied with the festival of Passover; and while Rosh Hashanah is seen as the anniversary of the creation of the world, the first day of Nisan is seen as the anniversary of the founding of the Jewish people when they escaped from Egypt during the Passover story. 8

The Gemara explains that the conventional way of dating documents in Talmudic times was according to the year of the king; to give it a modern twist, we would write, "in the 7th year of the reign of President Pelone". Regardless of the date on which a king was appointed, come the first of Nissan, documents would be dated to the second year of his reign. This was a beautiful way to give honour and respect to the sovereign of the state in which one resided, and applied equally to Jewish and non-Jewish kings (though the Gemara explains that for non-Jewish kings, their year would begin at Tishrei)9

Animals The first of Elul is the new year for animals.

Rosh Hashanah L'Ma'sar Behemah (Hebrew: ראש השנה למעשר בהמה "New Year for Tithing Animals") or Rosh Hashanah LaBehemot (Hebrew: ראש השנה לבהמות "New Year for (Domesticated) Animals"). During the time of the Temple, this was a day on which shepherds determined which of their mature animals were to be tithed. The day coincides with Rosh Hodesh Elul, the New Moon for the month of Elul, exactly one month before Rosh HaShana.

Sefaridim begin Selihot on the seond day of Elul.

Beginning in 2009, the festival began to be revived by religious Jewish animal protection advocates and environmental educators to raise awareness of the mitsvah of tsar baalei chayim, the source texts informing Jewish ethical relationships with domesticated animals, and the lived experience of animals impacted by human needs, especially in the industrial meat industry.10

Throughout traditional High Holiday liturgy, G-d is often imagined as a shepherd, and the pastoral metaphor becomes all the more potent and poignant when we consider our own animals for whom we are directly responsible as well as our shared fate with all living creatures.

Rabbinic commentators similarly imply a kinship between humanity and other living creatures, pointing to other animals’ instincts and actions as not only similar to our own, but sometimes even embodying model behavior which we should strive to emulate. In his commentary on Genesis, Nahmanides accounts for the original plant-based diet proscribed in the first chapter of Genesis by describing how animals possess animating souls and certain spiritual capacities, thus making daily decisions which affect their safety and welfare. In the Talmud (BT Eruvin 100b), Rabbi Yochanan (bar Nappacha) declares, “Had the Torah not been given, we would have (still) learned modesty from the cat, [the prohibition against] stealing from the ant, [the prohibition against] forbidden relations from the dove, and good behavior from the rooster.”11

Four times a year we can wish each other a safe, healthy, prosperous, and enjoyable new year.

What other religion can do that?


1. http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday2.htm

2. http://tinyurl.com/yxderyrj

3. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/shabbat-hagadol/

4. http://tinyurl.com/yymbashc

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_BiShvat

6. http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday8.htm

7. http://tinyurl.com/y6ac2exp

8. http://tinyurl.com/yxtfuxxr

9. http://tinyurl.com/yx9424tl

10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosh_Hashanah_LaBehema

11. http://tinyurl.com/y5x4gy92

Why are some URLs spelled out and some shown as “tinyurl.com” entries? I don’t want long URLs to break over a line, making it hard to copy-the URL.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on FOUR New Years

Monday, September 23, 2019


Should we allow
To sprew hatred?


MALAYSIAN PM MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, a self-proclaimed anti-Semite, is slated to speak at Columbia U. in New York.

United with Israel questioned Why is one of America’s most esteemed universities giving a platform to someone who spews hatred of Jews and discriminates against the state of Israel?

Dry Bones cartoon for 9/23/19; caption reads: Why is one of America’s most esteemed universities giving a platform to someone who spews hatred of Jews and discriminates against the state of Israel?

YOU MAY SEARCH THE WWW — using almost any search engine — to read about Mahathir Mohamad’s bigotry. Bear in mind the man is in his 90s and, based on a 2018 rambling address to the UN, is losing his facilities.


Should a self-proclaimed bigot have the right to attack a people or a country?

In the U.S. free speech is highly treasured. Almost anyone can say anything short of yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater.

However, free speech must be tempered by hearing opposing views.

Unlike the current political climate where leftists shout down dissenting opinions,

IF the Malaysian’s presentation at Columbia is part of a debate, if his talk can be challenged in a civilized manner, then the visitor should be allowed his time to talk, regardless if his words are honest and factual.

Most bigots’ words lack a basis in fact; they lack first hand knowledge of what they speak.

Leftists at UC-Berkeley (CA) protest appearance by Ben Shapiro. (Washington Post)


If voices of dissent, of opposing viewpoints are silenced, then “freedom of speech” is violated. If it is violated for some, it must be violated for all. It is incumbent upon Columbia U. to assure, by any means legally available, that dissenters have time to civilly challenge any speakers’ pronouncements, and to assure that this privilege is protected.


Freedom of speech carries with it responsibilities.

The speaker must be prepared to defend his or her positions.

The speaker must be prepared to listen to opposing points of view.

The hosting organization must be prepared to protect the speaker and the speaker’s right to address an audience.

The hosting organization must assure that people with opposing views are accommodated providing their views are presented in a civil manner.


As a child I learned that it is “not WHAT is said but HOW it is said” that can make or break communication.

Admittedly I don’t always think of that when someone angers me, but I make an effort.

I also know that it is the speaker’s obligation to assure the listener understands, comprehends, what the speaker is attempting to convey.

I have tried to emphasize one word throughout this effort: CIVILITY.

I have seen too many speakers drowned out by protesters and too many challenges drowned out by those who support the speaker.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Anti-Semite hatred

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Things might be
Good for Israel

I’M NORMALLY NOT A “Pollyanna,” but nether am I “Chicken Little” proclaiming “The sky is falling.”

Israelis who immigrated from Muslim-dominated countries are aghast that the Arab list, or at least some of it, might be included in an Israeli “unity” government.


Typically, the best that can be achieved is a truce among suspicious coalition partners.

As this is keyed, ex-IDF general Benny Gantz has a very slim lead over the man who would be kind for life, Bibi Netanyahu. Israel’s supposedly non-political president will decide which of the two men will be asked to lead the country as prime minister until the next elections.

Despite Gantz’ lead, if Netanyahu can prove to the president that he can line up enough votes from other parties, of which there are many, the president probably will ask Netanyahu to try to form the next government.

Likewise, if Gantz can get the support he needs to form a coalition government, the president will be more or less obliged to offer him an opportunity to form Israel’s next government.

Unless, of course, the Israeli Supreme Court decides to intervene — or interfere, take your choice.

The Sefardim and Mizrahim have reason to be suspicious of Arab (read Muslim) candidates. They know the Arabs from the counties they left — some in the dark of night to escape abuse from their Muslim neighbors.

On the other hand — and there always is “an other hand” — many polls have indicated that many (most?) Israeli Arabs prefer Israel to life anywhere else.

Granted, there are a few Arabs who take every chance to destroy Israel — from the Knesset no less — but I suspect — I hope — that any Arab Members of Knesset (MKs) will consider the alternatives before doing anything detrimental to the state.

Could an Arab MK be any worse than a far left Jewish MK?

I would prefer an Arab MK who wants to improve his (or her) people’s condition to a leftist MK who wants to destroy Israel from the inside.

I am convinced that not all Arabs as stupid as former MK Hanin Zoabi who, educated in Israeli schools to an MA in Communications and Media at Hebrew U, continually bit the hand that fed her.

According to YNet News1 Many members of the Israeli-Arab community have expressed their disgust of MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint Arab List) after she called the soldiers who took over the Mavi Marmara "murderers" during a Knesset plenum. While she was not the only Arab MK, she was the loudest and most vitriolic in her attacks on Israel.

When I was on my way to Israel for the first time I sat next to a retired social worker.

The woman told me there was one word I needed to know (and practice) in Israel. The word:


(I already knew “gledah.”)

IF Arab parties form part of a center-left coalition, I hope that the Arab MKs will work FOR the betterment of their fellow Arabs — Muslim and non-Muslim alike — and not for the destruction of the state.

These are people who live in Israel by choice. They could go to Gaza. They could go to PLO-areas. They could go to Jordan or Syria or Egypt or any other Muslim-dominated country.

But they elected to live in Israel. They elected to participate in Israel’s political life.

They know what life is like in a neighboring Muslim-dominated country. They know the benefits of life in the only democracy in the Middle East.

I hope that they will not follow the antics of the stupid, now former, MK from the Arab List.

How they participate in the Knesset, the laws they sponsor, and their general demeanor can go a long way to making life in Israel easier, or harder, for their fellow Arabs.

1. Hanin Zoabi http://tinyurl.com/y2mfme3n

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on Patience

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Consecrated ground
Does it matter
Where body lies?

THERE IS AN OLD IRISH (pick any ethnicity) joke about a good Irish Catholic who tells his priest that he wants to be buried in a Chinese cemetery.
The priest is aghast, stunned even.
“Why Paddy, you won’t be in consecrated ground.”
I know, Paddy replies, but if I’m buried in a Chinese cemetery, the devil won’t know where to find me!

AT MY AGE I am thinking about where my body will be interred, a nice way of saying “buried.”
There are those in my family who insist I be “planted” in “consecrated ground.”

Will I care? Hardly.

We know where the patriarchs (allegedly) are buried in a tomb in the now Arab-controlled town of Hebron. (It was a mixed town until 1929 when the Muslims slaughtered nearly 70 Jews under the eyes of the British Mandate.1)

We know where a number of Jewish holy men (and women) are buried.

Their bodies consecrate the land, not the other way around.2, 3, 4

We do NOT know where the remains of the Conversios tortured on the rack and burned at the stake by Tomás de Torquemada and his enthusiastic followers (down to the 19th Century in the Americas) lie.

Image from Sampsonia Way Magazine (https://www.sampsoniaway.org/)

If their bones were collected, as Conversios (marranos to the ignorant), were they buried in consecrated ground? The Catholics didn’t want them and they renounced (albeit many at the threat of the sword) Judaism — would the remaining Jews find a place for them in their consecrated ground? (For the record, while a person may claim to renounce Judaism as a religion, the person cannot renounce the fact that he, or she, IS Jewish. See http://tinyurl.com/y584jdvl )

What about the Jews of Babi Yar in the Ukraine? Buried in a then unmarked trench. Hallowed ground? It is now because of their presence; it was not before the massacre.

Babi Yar (Hulton Archive / Getty Images) Note nazi cameraman left of center documenting slaughter of Jews (http://tinyurl.com/y2ohrvgg)

What about the Jews the nazis sent to the ovens or simply marched to a trench and machine-gunned their victims. What became of the cremated bones? Scattered to the four winds? Certainly they were not buried in “consecrated” grounds. Are there rabbis who would deny the burial of the remains of murdered and cremated Jews in “consecrated” grounds?

I served in the U.S. military and the government offers me a free burial plot. It also offers a non-kosher (metal) casket and a headstone.

While the grounds ARE “consecrated,” they are not “Jewishly consecrated.”

There ARE Jews buried in the cemetery — I visited the South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Work FL and saw at least one marker with a Mogan David (Star of David) on it. Granted, it was greatly outnumbered by crosses and some markings I could not decipher from the road.

To get in, my survivors will still have to fork out for Haverat Kedisha, a “kosher” casket, and transportation from there I fall to the cemetery. Still, a few thousand dollars less than a spot at the local Jewish cemetery (and more for my heirs).

Taxpayers — and as long as America exists there will be taxpayers — pay for “eternal” maintenance of the property.

One thing about ending up in a national cemetery, there is little chance that anti-Semites will knock over only Jewish headstones. There is no religious segregation in a national cemetery.

There is a “Jewish” cemetery near my house. Part of the cemetery is demarcated for a local congregation. If you’re not a member of this particular congregation, you have to be buried elsewhere (in the Jewish cemetery). Never mind if the person faithfully made minyan morning, afternoon, and evening at the synagogue; unless fairly steep membership dues were paid, there was “no room at the inn.” I knew one such person.

I suppose I can understand the synagogue’s position — let’s not contaminate “our” part of the cemetery with Jews who are (a) not like us or (b) poor, which may also translate to “not like us.” The congregation’s management is very strict on the matter and it makes no difference if the person denied entry into the synagogue’s special area donated Big Bucks during his lifetime. Paid members range from “very observant” to “almost totally non-observant” so it is not a matter of observance that determines who gets in and who doesn’t.

I wonder if the people promoting the Jewish cemetery — but not in the synagogue’s special area — think that (a) God cares where a person lies, or (b) that God can’t find a Jew mixed in with others who served their country.

There ARE some things I do NOT like at the national cemetery.

Mourners are not allowed at the grave site as the remains are lowered into the hole. That means the Jewish custom of mourners — family and others — cannot toss a shovelful of dirt on the casket, a sign of respect for the dead. There will be no kadish nor tearing of lapels at the grave. There is a “commitment” area away from the grave site, but Jewishly, that isn’t the same.

I suppose that the whole burial process is not for the dead person but for the mourners. After 11 months, the survivors may visit the grave, regardless of its location (national cemetery or “Jewish” cemetery), but the survivors have their own lives to live and visiting a grave cannot be a high priority. The more time that passes, the lower the priority — as I think it should be.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I was close to a person who died of cancer. Her body was cremated and the ashes scattered. Aside from the obituary, it is as if she never existed. I find this strange since the person was fond of tracking down her antecedents by haunting graveyards. (I sometimes wander among the markers and consider who is buried at a marker and how they arrived that that place. Old age? Illness? Plague such as smallpox?)


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre

2. http://tinyurl.com/yxeklo3j

3. https://mizrachi.org/where-are-the-graves-of-tzaddikim/

4. https://torah.org/torah-portion/weekly-halacha-5771-terumah/

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on Consecrated ground

Friday, September 6, 2019


Abused women
In PLO-land OK
With “The Squad”

The headline reads:

Palestinian women demand legal protection after suspected honor killing1

Palestinian women.

In PLO land — not even in a Muslim village in Israel (and there are many).

The women of “The Squad” rant and rave against Israel, calling it anti-feminist, apartheid, and more untruths.

The women of “The Squad” want the world to believe that everything in PLO-land, and Hamas-land, is a near utopia.

The only problems in either place come from Jerusalem and, with a pro-American president back in office, Washington D.C.

According to a Reuters dispatch, At least 18 Palestinian women have been killed this year by family members angered at perceived damage to their honor, which may involve fraternizing with men or any infringement of conservative values regarding women, according to the General Union of Palestinian Women and Feminist Institutions.

Honor killings are not limited to the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas. They are all too frequent in ALL Muslim-controlled states.

They are not common in Israel, even in Israeli Arab villages.

But, according to “The Squad,” only Israel is misogynistic.

Israel also is xenophobic and treats all Arabs as second class citizens, except for Dr. Shadan Salameh who is director of the Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus Emergency Medicine Department.2 Never mind that there are Muslim women, including some who are very anti-Israel, in the Knesset (parliament) and on the Supreme Court. There also are Muslims in the army and police.

“The Squad” would have the world believe differently in face of facts on the ground.

Question Would ANY Muslim country in the area offer women equal treatment?

Rashida Harbi Tlaib (right) who claims to be a Palestinian never has been to “Palestine.” Any Palestine. Not Ottoman Palestine. Not British Palestine. Not even the “real” Palestine as divided up by England and approved by the U.N., Jordan.

She could have visited her aged grandmother when Israel granted her a transit visa to PLO-land on condition that she would control anti-Israel/pro-BDS rhetoric while in Israel. She agreed and then realized she would rather bash Israel than see granny. She still could have visited granny by flying to Jordan and arranging to have granny transported from her home in PLO-land through a short section of Israel and then across the bridge into Jordan. A short ride in a limo and a brief bus ride past Israeli and Jordanian check-points and there could have been a happy reunion.

That, however, would not have the political impact of her whining that Israel wanted her to forego Israel bashing for the short time it would have taken her to travel from Lod to PLO-land and granny’s home.

Crocodile tears.


Most first world countries allow, and in some cases, promote male circumcision.

Many so-called third world countries encourage male circumcision to reduce HIV transmission.

Female circumcision is largely practiced in Muslim-dominated countries.3 THAT never is discussed by “The Squad.”

It had been practiced in Israel among the Bedouin until about 30 years ago.4 It never was a practice among Jews anywhere or Israelis (Jews, Muslims, and others) in general.

Yet, “The Squad” contends that Israel is anti-feminist.

Like if or not, LGBTQ?s are protected in Israel. Are they protected in PLO or Hamas-controlled areas. In a word: No.

Yet Israel is a sexist, homophobic state according to “The Squad.”

Blacks, primarily from Ethiopia and a few from Europe and the U.S., are helped by the government to integrate into all aspects of Israeli society. But “The Squad” claims Israel is racist. (How are all the members of the self-proclaimed “Squad” “women of color”? See image below.)

Left to right: Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocsaio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley: Which are truly “women of color?” AP photo

Are the Muslims in the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas “people of color”? No more than many Israelis who came to Israel from North Africa, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and those chased out of Jordan — but who did NOT get help from a special UN refugee group. In other words, why is “The Squad” playing a color card that applies only to two — Omar and Pressley?

Israelis obviously are xenophobic.

That’s why Israel is populated by people from Africa, Asia, and Europe.

That is why people from the PLO-controlled areas wanted to work in Israel (before BDS forced closure of Israeli companies such as SodaStream) and to shop in Israeli stores, or even to import Israeli goods for local sales. Hundreds cross into Israel every day to work on construction sites for wages far above what they would make in the PLO-controlled areas.

True, there are fences and walls.

Why? To reduce the amount of terror exported from the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas. Even Muslim Egypt closes its border to Hamas.

I’m not sure how “The Squad” can criticize Israel for treating Syrians and Lebanese wounded in internecine warfare, or for treating residents of the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas, but they certainly don’t give credit to Israel for its humanitarianism.

“The Squad” complains that Israel withholds electricity and fuel from the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas. The PLO failed to pay its electric bill; finally Israel had to write off a major portion of the debt.

When Hamas and its associates stop shelling Israeli civilians, Israel provides fuel as well as other materials. Had the PLO, then in control of Gaza, not destroyed the hothouses left behind by the Israelis forced out by Ariel Sharon, they might have enough food and flowers to export to Israel and Europe.

Will ‘The Squad” ever learn? Not a chance. I think Israel made a mistake by not inviting them to come and see the reality on the ground — to meet with Israeli Arabs and Jews, to visit the Knesset, then visit both the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas. See how the leadership lives and see how the working man lives. Talk to Muslim women — without chaperons — in the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas AND in Israel.

Then, if they continue their rants they will know they are lying — to themselves and to whomever listens to their idiocy.


1. http://tinyurl.com/y3aglxg3

2. http://tinyurl.com/y53ue8jm

3: http://tinyurl.com/pn9hlh9

4. Though Israel's Penal Law 5737-1977 (hereinafter: the "Penal Law") does not contain a specific offense of FGM, it provides that committing such an act constitutes a harm with aggravating intent according to Section 329(a)(1) of the Penal Law.
A person who commits the crime of harm with aggravating intent may be sentenced to up to twenty (20) years imprisonment. (PDF document)

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on Abused Women

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Why cohens turn
From side to side

ANYONE WHO HAS EVER PEEKED at cohenim (cohens) as they bless the congregation may wonder why they turn slightly north and south during the blessing.
There is a reason and an order for this.

CAVEAT: I am not a rabbi and I don’t play one on tv.

IT IS CUSTOMARY TO stand in front of the cohenim as they bless the congregation. Since this usually is impossible to for everyone to do this, the cohenim turn slightly to each side to include people to the left and right of center.

* * * *

My primary source is R. Mordechai Eliyahu’s Kitzur Shulhan Aruk with Nikud. the former Rishon l’Zion (Chief Sefardi Rabbi of Israel).
under the heading Laws of Waving (the) Hands, or cohenic blessing, in footnote טו on Page 352 we read:

When the cohen says The cohen turns
וישמרך Slightly to his right (north)
יאר ה’ פניו Toward the center (west)
אליך ויחונך Slightly to his left (south)
ישא ה’ פנין וישם לך שלום Toward the center (west)

GRANTED, not all cohenim turn from side to side. This may be strictly a Sefardi/Mizrahi “thing.”

Covering the head

The Hakham’s kitzur also notes that with the exception of fathers covering their children’s heads, men normally do not cover their heads with a tallit during the cohens’ blessing.. This “cover your head” tradition probably comes from the admonishment not to look at the cohenim during the blessing. Since the cohenim have THEIR heads and hands covered, the redundancy is not deemed necessary.

Why do Sefardim & Mizrahim do it every day?

The Torah tells cohenim to bless the people. Period. Beginning at Numbers (במדבר) 6:23, Speak to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the people of Israel. The Sefardim and Mizrahim fail to see an option, no “if you feel like it” choice.
Most Ashkenazim outside of Israel only have birkat haCohenim (cohenic blessing) on holidays, feeling that the blessing should be said only on happy occasions.
On the other hand, many Sefardi and Mizrahi congregations insist that a cohen has to be married in order to “dunkin.” An unwed cohen cannot be happy, according to those who hold the “married men only” opinion. There are differing opinions.
The blessing is not said in the home of a mourner.

Those who may not bless

A “disqualified” cohen does not bless the people. There are a number of things that may disqualify a cohen, including maimed hands, although a marred face, since it is covered by the cohen’s tallit, does not disqualify the person. For some unexplained reson, the cohen’s hands, although also covered, may not be malformed.

A cohen loses his status as a cohen, and all the honors due a cohen, if he

  *  Marries a non-Jewish woman or a convert

  *  Marries a divorcee

  *  Is inebriated

and a few other disabilities; some from the Torah, some from the rabbis. (See http://tinyurl.com/y2wnomdh )

On the other hand, a cohen need not be particularly knowledgeable in Judaism to bless the congregation. (The reader recites the blessing word-for-word and the cohen(im) repeat it word-for-word in all congregations.)

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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