Wednesday, July 25, 2012

9th of Av - תשעה באב


The following are North African (ממרוקו עד לוב) customs (מנהגים) for the 9th of Av (תשעה באב).

From דברי שלום ואמת

According to Maran (R. Yosef Karo and the Shulhan Aruk) tefillin are NOT worn during 9th of Av morning (שחרית) service; instead tefillin are worn during the afternoon (מנחה) service. Hakham Shalom Messas, a"h, wrote that the worldwide custom is to pray שחרית sans tefillin; putting them on only at מנחה. The kabalists (מקובלים) who put tefillin in the morning should do it before coming to synagogue. R. Ovadia Yosef, however, in ילקות יוסף states that the Jerusalem custom is to wear tefillin during the morning service.

Follow the custom of the synagogue in which you are making minyan.

It is the custom to recite שירת האזינו during שחרית rather than שירת הים.

Kadish תתקבל is omitted from both evening (ערבית) and morning (שחרית) minyans.

Nahum (נחם) is recited only at minhah (מנחה) although this goes against Maran.

The cohanim do not bless the kahal on the 9th of Av. The hazan recites the ברכת כהנים at minhah (מנחה) and the kahal responds ברוך הוא וברוך שמו.

From חוד יוסף חי

A mourner, even in the 7 days, may be called to the Torah on the 9th of Av and may even read the haftarah.

It is proper to raise (להגביה) the Torah on the 9th of Av as normally is done. However, ילקות שמ''ש disagrees and states the Torah should not be raised during שחרית.

From ילקות שמ''ש

Meat is omitted from the diet until the evening of the 10th of Av (not just until half of the day).

It is not the custom to visit grave sites on the 9th of Av.