Sunday, August 12, 2018


When is
A cease fire
Not a cease fire

ANSWER: WHEN HAMAS IN GAZA keeps pushing “civilians” to fire bomb Israeli civilians.

HAMAS CONTROLS GAZA, even when other terrorists share space on the strip. Nothing happens sans Hamas’ knowledge and at least passive approval.

Why, then, does Israel’s allegedly right-wing government sit on its hands? Why does Israel rein in the military. Why does Israel not simply do as Egypt did – clear an area in Gaza near the Israel-Hamas border of all life. Get within, say, 50 meters (165 feet) of the fence and die, either by sharp shooters or armed drones.

Hamas, of course, will send children to attack Israel and Hamas will wail for all the world to hear when one of the children is killed – and the world will ignore Hamas’ role in the child’s death and focus solely on Israel.

When will parents in Gaza finally tire of burying their children?

Given the terrorists’ reading of the Koran and Muslim leaders interpretation of the book, many Muslims believe a martyr (shaheed) will go to Mohamed and will received 70 virgins of unimaginable beauty. Female martyrs have a similar fate awaiting them according to some martyr want-to-be’s. So far, no one has returned from the grave to confirm what is considered a fairy tale by non-believers.)

Click on images to enlarge

IN ANY EVENT, apparently there are many Muslim mothers who encourage their young to sacrifice themselves “for Allah” – or in the case in Gaza, for “for Ismail Haniyeh” the despot of Gaza. (A similar mentality is found in “Palestine” where Abu Mazen, a/k/a Mahmoud Abbas, rules.) That is NOT a Jewish mother’s mentality.

Interviews with jihadists can be seen and heard at

The question for the flip-flop government of Israel: How many Israeli lives must be sacrificed – or even endangered – before the government will respond forcefully and remove Hamas from power in Gaza.

It must have a plan to prevent a power vacuum in Gaza, else nothing will be gained. Egypt is too smart to want hegemony over the strip; the UN cannot be trusted and in any case, if anyone says “Boo!” to the Blue Bonnets, they run for cover. What’s left? The Arab League? A major powers coalition – U.S. and Russia, but neither wants to strengthen the other’s foothold in the region? Return the strip to the terrorist Abu Mazen? Perhaps a joint Egypt-Israel control until Gaza’s residents can decide if they prefer the prosperity of peace to the poverty of war?

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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