Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Terrorists rule
Israel; Knesset
Bows to rioters

ISRAEL’S “LEADERSHIP” GIVES IN TO terrorists and removes the metal detectors — placed to keep ALL visitors to the Temple Mount safe — because

a: The Muslims didn’t like being checked for weapons before going to the mosque

b: An Israeli soldier/guard shot and killed two Jordanians, one of whom attacked the soldier with a screwdriver. (The other apparently was an innocent bystander.)

Compounding the Jordanian problem was Israel’s Foreign Office that, claiming “diplomatic immunity” for the guard, refused to allow Jordanian cops to question the soldier about the shooting — it could have been done on embassy grounds with Israeli diplomats and lawyers present.

THE METAL DETECTORS went up following the murder of two Druze IDF soldiers standing guard at one of the Temple Mount’s Muslim entrances. In a conspiracy, several Muslims managed to get firearms onto the Temple Mount. Two of the Muslims came out of the guarded gate and murdered to two soldiers. (The murderer and his co-conspirators have been praised by “Palestinian” leadership and Jordanian members of parliament.)

The New York Times, which often blames Israelis for “Palestinian” murders, reported under a headline reading 2 Israeli Police Officers Killed in Attack in Old City of Jerusalem In an extraordinarily brazen assault early Friday, three Arab citizens of Israel armed with guns and knives killed two Israeli police officers guarding an entrance to Jerusalem’s holiest site for Jews and Muslims, an emotional and volatile focal point of the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Security camera footage showed the armed assailants emerging to attack from within the sacred compound in the Old City of Jerusalem that Jews revere as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Police officers pursued the assailants, who fled back inside the compound and exchanged fire; all three assailants were killed.

As a consequence of the Muslims murdering two soldiers, the Temple Mount was closed for a day and a half and the metal detectors were installed.

From the Atlantic: metal detectors have long been used at the compound’s entrances for non-Muslims, they’ve never been used at the entrances for Muslims worshippers. If true, how did installing metal detectors at the Muslim entrances disturb the "status quo"?

CNSnews.com comments that:
* The Saudis typically deploy thousands of closed-circuit security cameras at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest site in Islam, during the annual hajj, and during other parts of the year numerous cameras are visible too.
* After a suicide bomber in 2015 killed 27 people in an ISIS-claimed attack at a Shi’a mosque in Kuwait, news photographs showed metal detectors at the entrances virtually identical to those installed by the Israelis at the al-Aqsa compound.
* A non-exhaustive search on the photo-sharing site Flickr finds pictures of security metal detectors at the entrances to mosques in countries from India to Russia.
* Visitors to the Western Wall – the closest observant Jews can get to their holiest site, the Temple Mount – have long walked through metal detectors as they enter the plaza in front of the wall.
* Metal detectors and X-ray scanners have also been used at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, the world’s most visited Christian site.

What is the problem with metal detectors?

Unless a person is a terrorist or mentally unstable, why would anyone object to walking through a metal detector?

There is no danger to pregnant women or to anyone with a Pacemaker or similar device.

There are metal detectors at theme parks — Muslims pass through them on a daily basis in the U.S. and elsewhere. Go to a Disney park and get scanned. There are invasive body scans at airports around the world; if a person objects, they can be scanned by a hand-held metal detector and then patted down or taken to a private area and strip searched, whatever the passenger wishes.

There even are metal detectors at French train stations; are Muslims banned from riding French trains?

The whole flap is generated by Muslims who want to embarrass Israel, with the object of “driving the Jews into the sea.”

Their action might generate a backlash that will force Israel and Jordan to renegotiate their treaty and to remove the Temple from Jordanian and Waqf control and put it into the hands of its rightful owners, the Jews.

The difference, with the Temple in Jewish hands, most people (other than “orthodox” Jews) could visit and pray at the holy site. (“Orthodox” Jews cannot enter the Temple mount since no one knows exactly where the holy of holies is located; the only person allowed in that area, on pain of death, is the cohen gadol on Yom Kippur.)

Metal detectors and safety

Pregnant women

According to Health Physics Society, walk through metal detectors on airports give off non-ionizing radiation, therefore long term exposure to these will not increase any risk of birth defect as well as miscarriage.

Pacemaker wearers

There are two papers published in literature that discuss this. The more recent article, published by M. Niehaus and colleagues in 2001, discusses pacemakers and states: "In 103 patients who were monitored as they passed through typical metal detectors, security alarms invariably were activated. In none of the patients was the pacemaker function affected. It is therefore accepted practice to advise patients that while airport screening devices may detect the pacemaker, the device will not be adversely affected. Patients should carry their device identification card for the purpose of obtaining security clearance."



If the links fail to work, see http://tinyurl.com/y82lye4d to learn how to find/access them. It's a Google problem.

A Google search for "metal detectors at Muslim shrines" turned up more than 100 references to the current Muslim insurrection, but less than five that met the search query.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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