Monday, December 28, 2015


Seaport for Gaza
On Israel's Budget?


UNDER THE HEADLINE Uri Ariel calls to build a seaport in Gaza we read that Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) supports allowing Hamas more economic freedom in Gaza, he stated Monday, opining that it is Israel's responsibility in order to ensure stability in the region.

"We want to build a seaport in Gaza, so that they can import and export goods," Ariel stated in an interview with the Knesset Channel. "As of today, they don't have any real products.".

Ariel believes that "Israel must control Gaza, but only militarily. We are responsible for the region and we must permit them to do as we do."

Gaza COULD have had a seaport if:

1. It not repeatedly attacked Israel

2. Its leaders stopped pocketing money donated by nations around the world

Gaza also could have repaired its airport had it met the same conditions just cited.

THERE ARE SEVERAL PROBLEMS with MK Ariel's proposal.

Most critical, how will Israel be able to control what goes into Gaza?

What departs Gaza is less of a concern, but what it imports, based on its past history, often means problems for Israelis.

Even when Israel controls what crosses the Israel-Gaza border Hamas, which controls Gaza, redirects materials intended for post-retaliation reconstruction to its own military use.

In order for Israel to control what goes into Gaza via Ariel's Gaza sea port, Israel would have to either interdict every approaching ship, board it, and inspect its cargo. Alternatively, Israel would have to secure the port under its military and inspect off-loaded cargo at the port before allowing it to exit the port's secure (Israeli-controlled) area. In that case, Israel would have to build rocket-proof houses for its troops and provide some means to safely rotate them in and out of the port.

Beside the fact that Hamas cannot be trusted - it like the PA - has sworn to wipe Israel off the map (but it cannot since it would lose access to medical care, electricity, and a foe to point to when Gaza residents complain). Even if Hamas and the PA were to cancel their vows to destroy Israel and its citizens - Christian, Jew, and Muslim - Israel would be foolish to accept their change of heart at face value, based solely on past history.


Rather than a seaport I would prefer that Gaza be allowed - NOT FINANCED BY ISRAEL - to repair its airport to allow smaller commercial jets - e.g. regional jets such as the Embraer 145, the Antonov An-148, or the Tupolev Tu-334, all capable of carrying passengers throughout the region but lacking the capacity to deliver military-weigh loads and not requiring particularly long or thick runways.

In the past, Gaza-based flights primarily went to Cairo, Amman, and - believe it - "Tel Aviv" (Lod) with additional flights to Mecca and other regional destinations.

Had Hamas not destroyed the agricultural infrastructure left by the Israelis when Ariel Sharon forced them out, Gaza could be exporting fruits, vegetables, and flowers to Europe rather than exporting missiles to Israel.

AN ASIDE: According to Ahmed Hayman on the Web site Gaza Internatinal Airport, a/k/a Yasser Arafat International, The war (that closed the airport) was between 2008 and 2009 and the Palestinians destroyed the Asphalt in 2010 to get the stones .


Given all the money Hamas and the PA received and continue to receive from donors around the world - both Muslim and non-Muslim - the masters of Gaza should have sufficient funds to finance a port on their own. The problem for Hamas is two-fold.

One: Many of the donations went to fund weapons to strike Israel.

Two: Much of the funds went - following the grand tradition initiated by the late PLO boss Yasser Arafat - to line Hamas leaders' overseas bank accounts.

Asking Israel to fund a seaport for Gaza would be like sharpening the sword that will be used to behead you. "Foolish" and "stupid" are understatements.

Moreover, Israel has its own economic problems as a semi-welfare state, where, as it happens, non-Jewish citizens enjoy the same benefits as Jewish citizens (of late, sometimes more than Jewish citizens).

Gaza's import/export problems are NOT of Israel's doing. Had the rulers of Gaza - Hamas and the PLO before it - had peaceful relations with Israel - and Egypt - it could have a decent airport and it could have built a decent seaport.

Only a J Streeter or person of a similar anti-Israel mentality would expect Israel to fund a port it could not control what comes ashore.

If Hamas wants a port, let Hamas turn to Egypt; perhaps their fellow Muslims will be willing to pony up some cash; Iran seems to be ready and Turkey apparently wants to be first in line to use the port when it's a reality.

Asking Israel to fund a facility that can - will - be used to being in weapons to kill Israelis is beyond ludicrous. For a member of Israel's knesset to suggest such folly is beyond the realm of belief.