Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Black Muslims in US
Don't know history


THERE IS, or at least was, a video titled Islamberg, NY – Quiet Hamlet or Terror Training Camp? that purports to show Muslim women learning (para-)military tasks.

All of the women appearing in the video are black.

They sound like Americans or perhaps Canadians.

Don't they know their own history?

The slave trade that brought blacks to America in the 17th and 18th centuries worked like this:

Blacks captured blacks from other tribes.

The captured blacks were sold to Arab Muslims; Muslims who, to this day, consider dark skin the mark of an inferior person.

The Muslims sold the blacks to, primarily, Europeans who put the blacks in inhumane conditions on board ships bound for Europe and the New World.

The blacks arriving in North America were sold to whites. In the American South, their primary work was in the fields. Despite the Simon Legree slave master image*, logic shows that most slaves were not ill treated; they were, after all, valuable property. Some slaves who were mistreated were victims of their black bosses wanting to exercise their power over weaker people - that, unfortunately, is human nature.

That is NOT to claim that all slaves were treated like family or that no Jews were involved in slave trading or slave ownership, just as it would e a lie to state that all Jews follow Torah.

Visit North Africa today and witness how blacks are treated by Arabs.

Count how many blacks are Muslims in Europe compared to Arabs.

Certainly there ARE Muslims who are black, consider Wilāyat Gharb Ifrīqīyyah (a/k/a Boko Haram) in Nigeria, Chad, Niger, and northern Cameroon and Ḥarakat ash-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn (a/k/a Al-Shabaab) controls large parts of central and southern Somalia and operates in Uganda.

What entices a black in North America to join Islamic terrorists deserves a study. What ideology draws blacks to it while at the same time degrading blacks? A video at suggests many black Muslims in the U.S. - male and female - are graduates of the penal system, and that many find their way to one of the 36 Islamist communities in the U.S .

עינים להם ולא יראו


* Abolitionist Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe authored a work of fiction titled Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly that had as a lead character Simon Legree, a fictional sadistic slave owner who tormented his slaves with assistance from other slaves.

There is no evidence that Ms. Stowe ever saw slaves in the American south.