Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No safe haven for Jews

Netanyahu says
Be safe in Israel


ISRAEL PRIME MINISTER tells Jews in France, Denmark, elsewhere to come to Israel where they will be safe.

Granted, Europe is a hotbed of anti-Semites and Israel haters.

Canada and the U.S. are not completely free of the European plague. Likewise, South America and Africa are infected.

But is a Jew really safer in Israel than "hu'l" (outside Israel)?

CAVEAT: I am a dual national (U.S. and Israel) living the the States. I'm here because of Israeli politics and strikes. I have a daughter who lives with her husband and daughter in Israel; I also have two sons who live in the U.S. with their families.

None of us are "afraid" to live in Israel or the U.S.

But to claim, as Netanyahu claims, that a Jew is safe in Israel is dishonest; it's a lie.

How many Israelis have been murdered by terrorists? How many blown up by terrorists' bombs as they sat in a café or rode a bus?

How many Israelis been murdered by knife wielding or vehicle driving terrorists while waiting for a bus or train?

How many Israelis have been injured or murdered by Muslim youth throwing rocks and cinder blocks at passing cars. For that matter, how many have been killed or injured driving in, or even near, some "religious" neighborhoods on Shabat?

How many Israelis have been killed in the last several years by missile fire from Israel's neighbors to the north and south?

The answer to "all of the above" is "Too many."

Jews born and raised in the U.S., at least the politically (vs. religiously) conservative ones, are prepared to fight back. Many are armed and are trained in the use of firearms. Having a personal weapon in Israel is almost an impossibility, so when a terrorist attacks a person with a knife or gun, the person being attacked is left defenseless - just as he would be in New York City.

While Europe has its "Muslim problem," the U.S. has its Mexican, Cuban and Haitian "problems" - drugs and territory wars. In Israel, not only is there a "Palestinian problem" there also is a Sudanese "problem."

There is a dearth of police in Israel. The only place to see more than an occasional cop is at the police station or at an "event."

I'm not "anti-Israel" and I certainly never would discourage anyone from making aliyah - my daughter did - but the reality is that Israel is probably no safer than a European country, and certainly - given gun control - less safe than the U.S. For Netanyahu to say otherwise is just another political prevarication.