Monday, November 17, 2014

Palestine 1939

Tell me again,
Whose "Palestine?"

The image above, less the call out, is from Larousse French dictionary of 1939. I believe credit for discovery of the "Palestinian" flag belongs to the Riposte Sefarade blog. The blog noted, in French,

Le petit jeu de la nuit par CGQDI (source)

Ceci est la page des drapeaux nationaux du Petit Dictionnaire Larousse édition 1939. Si vous ne le croyez pas, vous avez un élément incontournable avec la Croix Gammée comme drapeau allemand. Donc, même si vous ne nous croyez pas, vous admettrez que ce dico est au moins d’avant 1945.

Maintenant cherchez patiemment, il y a un drapeau appelé « Palestine ».

Allez, arrêtez de subir, cherchez bien! En 1939 ou avant guerre, quand on parlait d’un état de Palestine et de Palestiniens, voilà de quoi on parlait!

Vous avez trouvé? Vous n’en revenez pas? Surprise, non? Ca, c’est ce qu’on appelle la PMG (Pédagogie de ma Main dans ta Gueule) posté par sil

(I am not conversant with French; were it not for my Moroccan-born, French-speaking Spouse I would still be trying to find my way out of Charles de Gaulle Airport.)

The United with Israel folks picked up the flag and, under a heading The Jewish Flag of Palestine – 1939! explains in English that

A picture of the flag of Palestine reported to be found in the appendix of a Larousse French dictionary in 1939 is circulating. The flag, as pointed out by the site , contains the Star of David, a universally recognized Jewish symbol that is also engraved in the State of Israel’s blue-and-white flag.

This is certain to surprise many. The biased media would have one believe that the Jewish people “occupied” the land, brutally expelling and murdering the “Palestinians” who were there.

This flag – besides archaeological evidence – is another clear indication that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people, and this fact was widely known for centuries. In fact, in 1917, in the famous Balfour Declaration, British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour declared his government’s support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in what was then called Palestine.

(Known as Judea since biblical times, the land was renamed Palestina by Roman King Hadrian 2,000 years ago in order to erase any Jewish historical claim. There was never a Palestinian state.)

The United with Israel entry continues with a brief history of the Jewish presence in the land now again called Israel.

For a little more about "flags with a Mogan David" visit