Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ahh, diplomacy

Name calling


Did one of the sycophants of the current incompetent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue actually call Israel's prime minister chicken manure (in a slightly less genteel word)?

Or, as a few have suggested, is the remark a figment of an anti-Israel Jew's imagination?

Having worked in a "lul," a chicken house for both chicks and layers, trust me, I know the foul smell of fowl feces.

The only manure smell worse than chicken poop is that of green feces from a new born. I have three children - now adults - and a grand-daughter so I am acquainted with that smell, too.

My personal opinion of Israel's prime minister is only slightly higher than my opinion of the U.S. president, which is to say on a scale of 1 to 10, both are in negative numbers. It's not a matter of party; I appreciated Harry S Truman and LBJ and, when I lived in Holon, I was 100% behind Begin. All three were, in my opinion, honest men who were true to their beliefs and worked for the betterment of their nations (although with LBJ, sometimes it was hard to determine).

Israel's PM reminds me of a wind sock at an airport; it moves whichever way the wind blows. The PM, of course, uses pollsters to determine which way the political winds are blowing: build on Jewish land today; tear down the homes built yesterday on Jewish land. (I have to wonder; does the PM have a financial interest in construction and demolition companies?)

As for as Washington goes, the U.S. has a president who has managed to hide his history from the people. No birth certificate. No college transcripts. We know he has no military service, not even pseudo-military in the National Guard a la Bush 2.

Compare that with Israel's PM. We know what he is - a Jew, perhaps not as observant as some would like, perhaps more observant than others prefer. According to a bio at, Benjamin Netanyahu was born on October 21, 1949, in Tel Aviv, Israel and grew up in Jerusalem. He spent most of his teen years living in the Philadelphia area, where his father, noted Jewish historian Benzion Netanyahu, worked as a professor. In 1967, he returned to Israel to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces' elite unit, "Sayeret Matkal," and took part in a number of military operations, including the dramatic 1972 rescue of a hijacked Sebana passenger jet.

The entry at states: Following his discharge (from the IDF), Netanyahu studied at MIT in Boston and received a B.S. in architecture and an M.S. in Management Studies. He also studied political science at MIT and Harvard University. In 1976, he was employed by the Boston Consulting Group, an international business consulting firm, where he befriended future American Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

While the PM's bio may be as fabricated as the U.S. president's, no one so far has proved it less than honest; I would trust members of Israel's left-wing and Moslem parties to uncover any falsehoods and broadcast them to the world.

We know the incompetent in D.C. is influenced by America-hating preachers and by Muslims and their money; we know that even his Jewish lackeys such as Democratic National Chair, US. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, put the president above her constituents. (Those Jews in her district who wanted anything accomplished on their behalf knew to turn to the congressman in the next district over, retired Army Col. Allen West . West was gerrymandered out of his seat.

I won't call the occupier of the White House "chicken manure" as his people refer to Israel's PM, but I will suggest that since he's been in office, Washington has generated an unprecedented about of bovine excrement regarding both domestic and foreign policy; actually the lack thereof. The only contemporary man who gives the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue competition for "America's Worst President" is Jimmy Carter.

The reason I have hope for the future is that I know "this, too, shall change." The change will HAVE to be for the better.