Monday, July 1, 2013

Follow Muslims’ lead

The “world,” particularly the left-wing, liberal “world” is in love with Islam.

Never mind that Islamists are cutting off heads of British soldiers IN LONDON!

Never mind that Islamists are implementing Shiria (law) in so-called “Christian” countries.

Never mind that the Palestinian Administration promises to make its areas “Jew free.”

Never mind that a non-Muslim cannot enter Mecca or Medina or other Islamic holy places.

Never mind that civil rights the lefties take for granted in the EU are unknown in most Muslim countries.

The left, liberal world loves Islamists.

That’s fairly obvious since I, for one, never hear anyone criticize Saudia for its treatment of women. I don’t hear any voices calling for Arab troops to step in and stop the murder in Syria. I don’t hear any one calling for the Arab League to protect the Muslims – never mind the Christians – in Lebanon from the Syrian spill-over.

I hear no condemnation of Hamas or Hezbollah for attacks on fellow Muslims.

Where are the cries of horror when Sunnis and Shiites slaughter each other?

Since the left gives tacit approval of all of the above, Israel should take note and do likewise.

All non-Jews are eligible for immediate deportation. Muslims who claim to be “Palestinian” will be deported to Jordan, provided there are no criminal charges against them. If there are, the criminals will be punished according to Shiria law; after all, that’s the law the Islamists want to implement wherever they gain control.

Only Jews will be allowed in Jerusalem, just as only Muslims are allowed into Mecca and Medina.

Christian and Muslim holy books will be confiscated and, after a certain date in the near future, anyone caught with such writings will be jailed and then expelled. When the rules change in Saudia, the rules can change back in Jerusalem.

The bleeding heart liberals can’t complain about how Israel treats non-citizens (for only Jews can be citizens of Israel) since they don’t complain about non-citizen treatment in Muslim-dominated areas.

Let Israel behave as its neighbors and dare the liberals to complain.

After all, fair is fair.


If you are a liberal, Israel basher, perhaps not.