Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Black racism

Racism is not a “white only” mental disease.

On July 17th, George Zimmerman, of Trayvon Martin fame, helped pull some folks from an overturned Ford Explorer near Sanford FL. (

Today, 23 July, the tv is showing me pictures of blacks saying that this cannot be true. If Zimmerman did anything, it was a set-up.

I think I’ll have to disagree with the folks who can’t believe Zimmerman could, would do anything to help his fellow.

Even Hitler, may his name be blotted out, did some good things for Germany. Castro did some good things for Cuba. Even Saddam Hussein did some good for Iraq – he keep the various Muslim groups from attacking each other.

Zimmerman was found innocent of murder and manslaughter by a jury of 6 women, most mothers. Granted, none were black, but I would think motherhood would trump race.

Martin’s family and friends, and professional rabble rousers such as the Baptist preacher the Reverend Al Sharpton and his ilk refuse to accept the verdict. They are agitating for a federal investigation, knowing there is a very good likelihood some civil rights charge will be brought.

The reason I think this is black racism is because I never hear similar gnashing of the teeth when a black murders a non-black, nor do I hear it when a black murders another black.

Where is the outrage?

At the same time, these same folks also are banging on the Florida governor’s door to force a repeal of the state’s Stand Your Ground law.

I find that strange since if anyone could have benefited by that law it would have been Martin; there is no question that Zimmerman confronted Martin even after being told by local police to stay in his vehicle and not to confront the 17 year old. I cannot understand why the prosecution failed to offer the jury more options: aggravated assault as a minimum. Zimmerman, in my opinion, ought to be doing time. But then again, if he was in jail, he could not have helped the people in the overturned Explorer. G-d seems to work in strange ways.

Stand Your Ground is an extension of the Castle Law.

Stand Your Ground basically states that if a person is confronted and threatened by another (Zimmerman accosting Martin would fit the law) the person being threatened can “stand his ground” and defend himself with all appropriate force.

The Castle Law, at least in Florida and according to my cop son, means if a person enters a home, the people in that home can defend their lives even to taking the intruder’s life.

In both cases, if the person making the threat backs off – leaves the premises or walks/runs away – the law no longer applies; the intended victim, i.e., the home owner, cannot give chase outside the house.

The folks who refuse to consider Zimmerman anymore than a rabid animal who never would voluntarily stop to help anyone and certainly not a black anyone, in addition to seeking a civil rights action against Zimmerman, they also want the Stand Your Ground law ruled invalid at the federal level.

States have no rights to make any laws anymore.

Everything is, or is made, a federal issue.

There was a move for a strong central government prior to the Constitution being cobbled together. The supporters of a limited federal power won the day, but their off-spring have been fighting a losing battle ever since

Racism, sexism, and discrimination in general is not limited to any race, sex, belief, or any other “attribute.” The only difference that I see between white racism and black racism is that people can, and do, talk about white racists but never about black racists.