Wednesday, May 1, 2013

U.S. Muslims condemn
Boston bomb murderers?


The silence is deafening


If anyone really wonders if there are “peaceful” Muslims in America, their silence, their lack of condemnation of their fellow Muslims’ bombing murders at the end of the Boston Marathon, and the surviving murderer’s admitted plan to bomb and murder others in New York City’s Times Square belies any suggestion of peacefulness.

Yes, I know there are “good” Muslims, but I also know that Muslim leadership in the U.S. either is absolutely silent or the major national media, always left-leaning and intent on being politically correct, is failing to cover any Muslim outrage against the bombers.

I know, that in addition to imported Muslims, those who entered the U.S. legally or otherwise, are not the only threats to our safety ; we have our own home-grown terrorists, and we get some “happy to murder” visitors from our southern border. – armed with weapons provided by the U.S. government.

But the U.S. government - our government - seems unable to admit that the Muslims in our midst are guilty of cooperation – by their silence if nothing else – with Muslim terrorists within our borders.

It’s OK for the incumbent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to be “politically correct” in the U.S. while “considering” sending American soldiers into harm’s way in Syria. (And he condemned the Bushes for their – in my opinion – stupid incursions into others’ civil wars. That’s the pot calling the kettles black – or is that not “p.c.”?) He’s even got John McCain calling for war, and Sen. McCain should know better. Has he – has the government – already forgotten Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan? If POTUS and his allies really want to invade someone, let them invade North Korea and Iran, both of which actually threaten the U.S. – unlike Syria who is barely able to threaten tiny Lebanon.

We have enough Muslim problems already; the U.S. does not need to add more by sending troops in Syria. The president already has proven he doesn’t know who are the “good guys” and who are the “bad guys.” No, I can’t tell either, but I’m not suggesting we invade to find out – and probably be wrong again.

These people are NOT like the Nisei. They are more like the Cubans in south Florida – here only until the U.S. can depose the island’s the dictator du jour; their loyalties are not with the United States.

As an example

Arab MK Will Not Condemn Terrorist Murder

by Maayana Miskin

Member of Knesset Jamal Zahalka has refused to condemn the murder Tuesday of a young father-of-five. A terrorist stabbed actor Evyatar “Napo” Borovsky to death as he waited for a ride at the Tapuach Junction.

When asked to condemn Tuesday’s attack, Zahalka instead addressed Israelis living in Judea and Samaria. “Get out of there. You’re thieves and criminals. You come to steal and to take what belongs to us…. The solution is that you leave,” he said.

But then ”40% of Palestinian Muslims see suicide bombing as often or sometimes justified.”