Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another wall

Why aren’t the liberals wailing?

A Reuters article in The Times of Israel datelined Ankara and heded “Turkey builds wall at Syria border crossing after bombs" claims that “Turkey is constructing 2.5-km-long (1.5 mile) twin walls at a border crossing with Syria to increase security at the frontier following three deadly bombings this year.

“Vehicle screening equipment and x-ray machines as well as wire fencing and extra lighting and security cameras will also be installed, the Turkish Customs Ministry said.”

Where are the liberals and bleeding hearts, the ones who take umbrage with the murderous Israelis who have the nerve to put up a fence to slow down the poor Palestinians who only want to come into Israel and slaughter the old, the young, and everyone in between.

Worse, the Turkish wall is going up at the access route most used by Syrians trying to escape from their own civil war.

Shame on Turkey.

But, in the end, blame it on Israel.

‘Course no one can claim fencing out enemies is an Israeli idea.

China’s Great Wall dates back to the 7th Century BCE according to The Great (

The Web site starts off telling visitors that “China is not the only country in history that built wall along its boundary. Athens, the Roman Empire, Denmark, and Korea all did so at certain time in the past. The Hadrian's Wall in northern England, built "to separate the Romans from the barbarians", extended 117 kilometers from Wallsend-on-Tyne in the east to Bowness-on-Solway in the west. All the walls were built for the purpose of military defence. “

Imagine! The Brits and the DANES! OK, the wall in England was built for the Romans who then ruled the land to “ separate the Romans from the barbarians .”

It’s OK for the United States to put up a fence along its border with Mexico to slow down the influx of peons looking for a relatively good paying job doing work in the U.S. that U.S. citizens are “too good” to do. (Sounds like Israel with its indigenous Arab population and its imports from the Philippines and elsewhere.) The fence, and the armed Border Patrol officers also try, alas with apparently minimal success, to keep out drugs and guns from crossing the border – drugs from Mexico and guns from the U.S., courtesy of the U.S. government.

Where are the liberals when a non-Muslim wants to enter Mecca or Medina? How about a non-Muslim having the audacity to appear to mumble a prayer on the Jewish temple mount.

The fence Israel built is, at worst, an inconvenience of the Muslims on the other side. They still can, and do, enter Israel legally to take advantage of Israeli hospitals and shopping. (Not all Muslims come into Israel to murder when the opportunity arises.)

Could the fence come down? Certainly. Just as soon as the Palestinian’s become civilized and cease the random murder of Israelis – Jews and non-Jews alike.

Will that time ever come? Not in my lifetime and I doubt in my children’s lifetimes. There are parts of the United States where “damnyankee” is one word said with venom and other places where “red neck” is applied with the same venom to anyone from a southern state; the American War for Southern Independence, a/k/a Civil War, has been over for more than 100 years, yet – in places – hatreds, passed from generation to generation, remain alive.

Neither Israel nor “Palestine” is a “melting pot” akin to the United States. While Israel has immigration from much of the world, most of that immigration is Jewish. I don’t believe “Palestine” has immigration of any consequence. Because of that, ethic prejudices lack the moderating power of any influence from other ethic groups as in the U.S.