Monday, December 17, 2012

AJC's chutzpah


According to a June 27, 2012 article in HaAretz headlined Will Israel's chief rabbi eventually end up like the Archbishop of Canterbury?, the American Jewish Congress (AJC) is calling "to overturn decision to recognize Reform and Conservative rabbis, the American Jewish Committee is proposing to strip the Chief Rabbinate of its power so it will only hold a ceremonial role. "

The article is at

The AMERICAN Jewish Congress.

America, where assimilation is more and more speedily taking its toll on Judaism.

America, where inter-marriage between non-observant Jews and non-Jews is more common than not.

Wherer does the AJC "get off" trying to revamp Israel's politics.

If Conservative and Reform Jews want change in Israel, let them close their wallets until the changes they want are implemented. Better, these Conservative and Reform Jews ought to move to Israel so they can have legitimate political clout.

For the Sefardim, the whole issue of paying Conservative and Reform religious leaders a salary is nonsense. Most Sefardim either are (a) observant or (b) heloni (non-observant). Even the heloni pay to support the synagogues and religious establishment without a great deal of complaint.

Granted, there ARE things in the "religious establishment" that need to be reviewed with an intent to bring about change; to make the rabbinute more "humane" and in tune with the 21st century. The in-fighting, such as the recent wars on conversions, is an embarrassment to the Chief Rabbinate, both Ashkenazi and Sefardi.