Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ahh, Europe

Could it happen here?


An op-ed piece titled No-go Areas for Jews in Europe at, lead off with

"Surprised that Israelis entering Jordan are required to deposit religious Jewish items, like skullcaps and tefillin, for "security reasons?

"It's happening in many European countries as well, where Jews are once again in grave danger and Judeophobia has become the common currency of politics."

The article goes on to cite anti-Jewish/anti-Israel attacks in

* Denmark

* Finland

* France

* Germany

* Holland (The Netherlands)

* Italy

* Norway

* Sweden

* UK

We are told not to appear Jewish - no kippot (yarmulkas/skull caps), no "Jewish" jewelry such as a mogan David; in fact, don't even carry a book by a Jewish author!

A few weeks ago a Jewish man was attacked and rendered unconscious in a Paris metro. How did the anti-Semitic mob recognize that he was Jewish? Because of a philosophy book by the chief rabbi of Paris that he was reading in the metro when he was attacked.

Granted, the North American (Canadian and U.S.) mentality is far removed from the mentalities of Europe and its off-shore islands, but as the U.S. and Canada continue to welcome people with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatreds, Jews must wonder: "Can it happen here?"

There are only a few places in the world in which a Jew - particularly an observant Jew - can live without constant fear of being attacked.

Even in Israel, it seems, Arabs have greater protection than Jews. In the U.S., liberal Jews lead the way in demonizing Israel and observant Jews and their practices (e.g., circumcision and ritual slaughter).

I'm not writing about הרידים (haridim) or "hasid"im who tuck their trouser legs into their stockings; I'm referring to ordinary Jews who have the nerve to display their Jewishness, perhaps their religiosity.

The only way to prevent violent anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks, be they verbal or physical, is to meet the enemy - and be assured, the provocateurs are very much enemies of Jews and Israel - on the enemy's terms.

If verbally attacked, file a complaint with the police, and then file a civil action against the offender.

If physically attacked, fight back if possible; otherwise, involve the police and then bring a civil action.

For (almost) every criminal violation, there is a civil action that can be brought. A civil action is easier to win - and often has a bigger impact on the offender. Don't ignore the civil option.

I grew up in Miami (not the Beach) at a time when anything anti-Jewish was rare. It happened, but in my personal experience, a strong response usually caused the perpetrator to "rethink" his words or actions.

The "American" way, the Jewish Defense League (ADL) - vs. the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - way is "If you push me, I will push you back . . . harder." Bullies, and that is what most anti-Semites are at heart; never anticipate a strong response.

That is not to suggest anyone should go looking for trouble or travel alone in an unsafe (for any reason) area; it is to suggest that we must not be like the Europeans who cower at shadows, who let bullies rule their lives.

Maybe martial arts ought to be part of every Jews' education. It's good for both physical and mental health.

As Theo. Roosevelt is credited with saying: "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Let the "big stick" be a willingness to fight back; to defend ourselves from bullies in every way we can.