Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Humanitarian, but DUMB


"Following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu's condemnation of the weekend massacre in the Syrian village of Houla, newly appointed Vice Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz on Wednesday said that Israel should consider opening a humanitarian relief corridor in the Golan Heights to aid Syrian citizens."

Sounds like something Ehud Barak might propose (and I think he has ordered plans developed to accommodate Syrians who want to "escape" into Israel).

Israel should not offer a safe haven to its enemies.

If any state wants to offer safe have, let it be Syria's neighbors

Syrians can flee to any number of Moslem states; Syria shares a borders with

  *  Iraq

  *  Jordan

  *  Turkey

I don't count Lebanon since it is controlled by the Syrian despot.

The escaping Syrians don't have to stop in Jordan or Iraq or even Turkey. They can continue on to Saudia and Iran, and if that's not far enough, to the UAE, Oman, and Yemen, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.

There is NO need for Israel to open its borders to a people who want to wipe it off the face of the earth.

Just because there are Syrians who are revolting against the despot is NO reason to think these same people when - perhaps if - they come to power will rush to sign a true peace treaty with Israel.

Besides, it is almost guaranteed that among the refugees from the despot's army will be more than a few determined to slaughter Israeli civilians and visitors, not a few of which, I would guess, originated in Iran.

Israel always has opened its doors to refugees. Sometimes refugees - such as those from the Sudan - broke open the doors and flooded the country illegally, that is, sans a government invitation.

Israel also has allowed others to come into the country to work in various, usually low-paying, jobs, and now it is "stuck" with these people.

It is enough that Israel provides an infrastructure for its "guests," but it now is giving citizenship to these people who have become permanent residents.

Unlike the United States which grants citizenship to illegal aliens - both parties do this to the detriment of both citizens and people who are in line to legally immigrate - Israel is supposed to be a Jewish state, a home, a haven, for Jews; the only place in the world where Jews can escape when their countries of residence turn against them.

If the demography of Israel becomes other than Jewish, then the "homeland" will no longer BE a "homeland." It is sufficient that the Israeli Left and its Reform allies are working diligently to de-Judenize the country. (Yes, I know many Israelis are heloni, but they at least are not anti-Judaism.)

It's one thing to bring in Jews from all over - even if some of the Jews are "as Jewish as the pope" (i.e., not Jews at all). It is another matter to allow the country to be over-run with people who have no claim to Judaism - such as the Sudanese and the Syrians.

(As an aside, I wonder why no serious action was taken when the Sudanese invaded southern Israel; only when Tel Aviv became a Sudanese city did the government decide it was time to act. Perhaps because the few MKs who don't live in Jerusalem live, or work, in Tel Aviv?)

Israel's economy cannot take the pressure.

Israel's security must not be endangered.

If Israel MUST accept Sudanese, if Israel MUST accept Syrians, let them be held in camps until they can be expelled to other countries. Make the expulsions within 90 days of the refugee's arrival - Israel does not need UN camps that encourage generation after generation to remain on handouts from the world.

I feel sorry for the Sudanese, be they Christian or Moslem. Let Christian and Moslem countries accept them; send the Christians to Italy, France, England, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Let the Moslems integrate into Saudia - a short sail across the Red Sea from Sudan, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. Egypt is perfect - it borders Sudan, as do Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Let the UNRWA pay for the refugees' temporary housing and relocation; after all, it has money for generations of Arabs who will not or cannot leave its camps in Aza and Lebanon.

Jews paid for Jews to immigrate to Israel. Let Christians and Moslems pay for their coreligionists to emigrate from Israel to "wherever."