Thursday, May 10, 2012

Islam's ignorance



According to Palestine Media Watch,, Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, contends that Jerusalem, a city that has had a Jewish presence since the time of King David, has "only has Islamic and Christian history ."

Perhaps there is something that infects politicians when they reach a certain level that forces them to become history revisionists.

Who, if not the Jews, built the Temple on which the Moslem abomination now sits?

David was king over all of Israel from about 1003 to 970 BCE (Before [the] Current Era, equates to "BC"). (Source:

Christianity didn't really get started until Paul (nee Saul of Tarsus) started evangelizing around 43 CE (Current Era, equates to AD), and Paul's preaching was to the non-Jewish world, ergo his 13 "Letters" to the likes of the Corinthians (2), Galatians, and Thessalonians (2). (Sources: and

Christianity had to be imported into Israel; it did not develop there.

Muhammad lived from approximately 570 to 632 CE. (Source:

Jerusalem - and not by any other name (e.g., Zion) - is mentioned 669 times in the Tanak (the Torah or "Five Books of Moses" plus Prophets and Writings). (Sources: and

The Christian addition adds another 123 times for a total of 792 "mentions."

The Koran mentions Jerusalem by name zero times although it is suggested that Muhammad went to heaven from the "Farthest Mosque."

There is no denying that both Christians and Moslems have had a presence in Jerusalem for thousands of years, but to even suggest that Jerusalem is not a "Jewish" city is ludicrous, stupid, and wishful thinking on the part of Abbas, a/k/a terrorist Abu Mazen.

Jerusalem is so "holy" to Moslems that they turn their backsides to it when they pray (toward Mecca). It rates as Islam's third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina. But it is NOT a Moslem city.

It has been controlled by Moslems - as well as Romans, Greeks, Turks, and others whose kingdoms are now only of historical interest. The flag has set on the English empire although the tiny island still exists.

Even when Moslems prevented Jews from accessing Judaism's holy sites, Jerusalem still had a Jewish presence.

In 1948 the Jordanian Moslems, the real "Palestinian" people, tried to starve out the Jews, but failed.

For AT LEAST 3,015 years there has been an UNBROKEN Jewish presence in Jerusalem.

Islam cannot make that claim.

Christianity does not make that claim.

So where does Mr. Abbas/Mazen find the absolute hutzpah to even suggest that Israel is attempting the "Judaization" of Jerusalem? (Source:

Jerusalem IS Jewish and Israel tolerates Islam and Christianity

Unlike Rome, which ghettoized its Jews, both Moslems and Christians are free to live wherever they like (although to be honest, they would not be particularly welcome in some neighborhoods given their history with Jews, Judaism, and Israel - ancient and modern).

Christian and Moslem places of worship are protected by the government, unlike in Saudia and other Moslem countries where churches and synagogues are banned or the worshippers harassed.

Again, "to be fair," in Morocco until today Jewish cemeteries are guarded and maintained by Moslems and, until today, the few remaining Jews live in relative peace with their neighbors. Will this continue tomorrow with the "Arab Spring?"

Jerusalem was, is, and - G-d willing - will remain a "Jewish" city with tolerance for others, even others who fail to reciprocate in kind.