Thursday, February 16, 2012

Personal warfare


Iran, while denying it, is allegedly to blame for three recent attacks aimed at Israeli officials and "just citizens."

Iran, probably justifiably, blames Israel for the deaths of Iranians involved in that country's nuclear bomb effort.

Anyone who thinks targeted attacks on Iranians in Iran do not originate in Israel is, I think, living in a dream world. Israel may even have started the personal warfare.

Frankly, I have no problem with "personal warfare," warfare - not war"fair" - that limits "collateral damage."

The primary differences, so far, is that Israel - if you agree with my thesis - is a bit more sophisticated in its methods and Israel generally - albeit hardly exclusively - carries out its attacks on Iranian soil. Iran targets "visible" Jews - Israeli diplomats, Chabad rabbis - wherever they may be, and damn the local populations that have no interest in any type warfare.

Iran and its proxies seem to engage amateurs while Israel and its proxies seem to be more professional, more precise in their targeting. Not that Israel has not make mistakes - it has and some are well documented. Mistakes are, however, rare.

There is a philosophical difference between Israel and Iran.

The Iranian rulers - not the puppet Ahmadinejad but his masters, the ayatollahs - want to kill all Jews wherever we can be found. Iran's proxies near Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and PLP, all have one goal: the extinction of Israel and elimination of all Jews from what they incorrectly term "Palestine."

With the exception of some Sefardi and Mizrachi Jews, most Israelis consider the average Arab or Moslem to be just misguided tools of their political masters; they are not out to free the world - or even Israel - of Moslems or Moslem influence.

What I fail to comprehend is, assuming I am correct, why Iran's ayatollahs are not targeted. They control the country's future, not the scientists, not the politicians, and certainly not the average Iranian.

I really don't want to see Israel go to a conventional - versus the current "personal warfare" - war with Iran. If Israel does attack Iran, with the goal of eliminating its nuclear potential, let if, with G-d's help, turn portions of the country into a new Jericho.

Iran sits on a number of faults. I suspect that if the fault lines are bombed earthquakes will be triggered and even underground facilities will crumble - but the average Iranian will go unscathed.

As for the U.S., America may have a big stick (its dwindling military might), but the politicians lack the intestinal fortitude to take military action against Iran. Besides, America cannot act unless there is a coalition to share the blame if things go wrong.

Forget the Arab League; it has less guts than even the U.S. Saudia is afraid of Iran; it's Moslems are different from Iran's Moslems. Neither Saudia nor the Arab League can end the slaughter in Syria, or killings elsewhere in the Moslem world.

There seem to be two options open to Israel:

1: Bomb the faults and hope earthquakes will bury Iran's underground nuclear sites while sparing the average Iranian.

2: Eliminate, through personal warfare, the ayatollahs; starting with the most difficult to reach, the "Supreme Leader."

Joshua, we need you now.