Monday, June 1, 2015

Invisible females

Females pay price
For lack of self control


it's not the FEMALES who lack the self control; it is the male religious extremists who lack self control.

Judaism's religion-in-extreme - I won't write "religious extremists" since I think there is nothing "religious" about their actions, certainly nothing based on the Torah or even the talmuds justifies their behaviors toward women - would have Jewish females cover themselves from head to toe in black sacks.

G-d forbid that a "religious" Jewish boy or man should see so much as an ankle; he might go into a sexual frenzy and attack the female.

Turning Jewish females into Muslim look-alikes is something relatively new - hopefully, unlike the Torah from Zion,(כי מציון תצא תורה) this foolishness will NOT go out, although . . .

In England, the men in control of one "hasidic" group have, following the Muslims of Saudia, banned their women from driving cars; in effect, creating a Jewish sharia law in their ghetto; hopefully they won't stone women not in their sect for driving through their self-imposed ghetto on the city's streets.

The "super datee" (super religious) obviously lack any self-control. They can't trust themselves to

Sit next to a woman on public transportation (bus, plane, train)

Shake hands with a woman who may be their better (unlikely to be their boss since most spend their time in a study hall while their wives work and their less religious neighbors defend the country

Touch a female not their mother, wife, daughter, or unmarried sister

Accept a dish from a female not an immediate unmarried relative

Yet we read on a seemingly daily basis how this or that Orthodox rabbi is caught up in a sex scandal - sometimes peeping at females in the mikveh and sometimes with young boys - Catholic priests are not alone in their preferences for young people.

In some/many haredi newspapers, images of female faces are blurred out or air brushed (Photoshopped) out. It males no difference how important the female is to the photo or how newsworthy the female may be, she's out, never existed.

Member of Knesset and cabinet minister? Out.

Leader of a nation (on which Israel depends)? Out.

G-d forbid a "religious" man should see a females face, even one he would never encounter; he might have lecherous thoughts.

And why would he have lecherous thoughts? Probably because seeing a female's face - never mind her body! - was something he's never seen before; it’s a novelty to him.

In the heloni (non-religious) world, a man might look twice at a beauty in a teeny weenie bikini, but unless he is mentally disturbed he would control his impulses, his desires.

Perhaps the haredi newspapers should ban photos of ice cream - there are those of us who have a weakness for the stuff; perhaps ban all "less-than-nutritious foods" as New York City has banned sugar-laden dinks in its schools. (But what if someone has a carrot or pickle fetish? Ban veggies, too.)

It's perhaps understandable that the sheltered haredi boys find it difficult to control their desires when they encounter something from which they've been protected all their lives; from someone who they have been taught is just a necessary evil around for procreation - else why segregate them at the table much as we separate meat and milk dishes.

The problem does NOT lie with the females; it lies solely with the males who never learned self control.

But since in the haredi world the rabbis - all men, of course - are in control, the women will not only be not heard*, they also will not be seen.

* Men are forbidden from even hearing a woman's voice in song - "kol esha" - since, like seeing a woman's face, the super-religious Jew might get "turned on" by the voice and think an unapproved thought.

I guess I'm not ready for black hat prime time.

Lucky me.

** RELATED STORY: The distance between pixels and veils