Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Deaf and blind

Haredi world shrinks


IT MUST BE TOUGH being an "Orthodox" Jewish male.

The rabbis have to protect the men and boys from hearing a woman's singing since it might arouse the males libido, G-d forbid.

The rabbis also decided, if a Mew York Times article, Jewish Group, With Hired Protesters, Opposes the Parade is to be believed, that even seeing homosexuals might cause these males to have prurient thoughts, again, G-d forbid.

But some New York religious "leaders" decided it was OK for non-Jews, specifically Mexicans, to view a Gay Rights parade in the City-East.

According to the Times, the Jewish Political Action Committee, a fringe Hasidic group based in Brooklyn, at Sunday’s parade in Manhattan, engaged some Mexicans (Mexican-Americans, Mexicans with work visas, illegal immigrants - sorry, "undocumented aliens") to protest the parade in their name.

NOW EVERYONE KNOWS LATINS are hot blooded, highly sexual creatures; according to "The Donald" (Trump), apparently most Mexicans come across the border to rape our women and sell us drugs. He DID admit there there may be a few good Mexicans; maybe the Jewish Political Action Committee asked for resumes before engaging their services.

Obviously the Mexican men were both literate with English and good sign makers - that is obvious from the photo on the Times site (ibid.). You can see for yourself. Since good Hasidic groups speak Yiddish and shy away from standard education, it's plain that the Mexicans created the signage as part of their contract with the Jewish Political Action Committee.

I really think the New York cops and the Immigration and Naturalization Service should look into the Mexicans who were employed by the the Jewish Political Action Committee, with the idea that the the Jewish Political Action Committee should be prosecuted if these employees fail to provide evidence of citizenship or work visas. The Mexicans, who undoubtedly will turn State's evidence, should be allowed to go on about their business; the Donald not withstanding.

What is interesting to me is: If yeshiva students, men who bury their heads in the talmuds from sun up until well into the night can be aroused by homosexuals, how could a person with less personal discipline be expected to control himself?

Another question for the Jewish Political Action Committee: Who would be arousing these hasidim? The gay men or the lesbians, or maybe the man-with-man or woman-with-woman arrangement would "turn them on."

I am aware of what the Torah says about homosexuality.

I also am aware about what the Torah says about inter-action with non-Jews, and making loans, and many more things the rabbis have - like the death penalty - effectively mitigated out of existence.

My bottom line: Why did the the Jewish Political Action Committee feel it necessary to protest the parade; why even be present - or hire stand-ins - at the parade?

The behavior of the the Jewish Political Action Committee does Jews a disservice and mocks true hasidim.



: a person's desire to have sex
1: instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity
2: sexual drive


: having or showing too much interest in sex
: marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire