Sunday, June 28, 2015


Br'r Rabbit
And the Label


THE EU APPARENTLY WANTS all products from beyond the "Green Line" to be labeled not "Product of Israel" (which it is), but Product of the West Bank or some other term for Judea and Samaria.

I say to the EU and others who think as the EU thinks


As for me, I will make a special effort to buy products from Judea and Samaria.

PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT Israel, and even people who support the PA, should line up to buy competitive products from Judea and Samaria.

Why those who support the PA? Because often the products from Judea and Samaria are produced with people who live in PA-controlled areas. There are a number of good examples, even after Soda Stream pulled out.

Boycotting products from Judea and Samaria is counter-productive to any advancement toward peaceful coexistence. Better for peace is a daily interaction of Jews and Muslims so each sees the other as they are: human beings trying to live their lives. Israeli Arabs - Muslim and otherwise - already know this and, if surveys are to be believed, most Israeli Arabs, given the choice of life in Israel or life in the PA would opt for life in Israel. Most, but certainly not all. (To the best of my limited knowledge, no Arab in Israel is prevented from relocating to the PA or any other area such as Jordan, Egypt, etc.)

So go ahead, label products from Judea and Samaria.

All but self-hating Jews and their Israel hating friends likely will make products from Judea and Samaria their preference, all other things (price, quality) being equal.

Labeling, and avoiding purchase of, products of Judea and Samaria is akin to throwing Br'r Rabbit into the briar patch; it will be good for Judea and Samaria; unfortunately it won't help those folks in the PA who depend on work in Israel for their livelihood.