Friday, July 30, 2021


Why can’t Israelis
Speak (and write)
Proper Hebrew ?

HEBREW IS NOT MY “first language.” I struggle with it as I try to read a newspaper or magazine article, or decipher a sign over a business. Never mind that except for prayer books, humashim, and a few other publications, the printed words lack vowel marks — ni’ku’dot.




I was stymied ; stumped, flummoxed, without a clue.

The word appeared on Page 9 of the Israel HaYom printed edition for July 29, 2001.

Again, no nikudot, but even if there WERE nikudot, I’m not sure I could have deciphered the word.

“ה" was easy enough: “ה" in most cases equals “the.”

טרנזיסטור and ספישל were two words I encountered in my first days in Israel.

(My first Hebrew word, after גלידה — I knew THAT word before I got on the plane — was סבלנות, something I never acquired.)

I saw the word “ספישל” above an ice cream (what else) shop in Tel Aviv — my first trip off the ulpan reservation.


Don’t panic. All the Hebrew-alphabet words are defined near the end of this blog. סבלנות.


I stood and stared at the word for a good five minutes before someone took pity on me and told me what it was.

Later, working for Tadiran Electronics in Holon (as a tech writer creating English-language documents) I was perusing a Hebrew technical document when I came to an impasse; the word: טרנזיסטור. After breaking my head trying to “sound out” the word, I finally gave up and asked an Israeli engineer.

I’m no Eliezer Ben Yehuda (, but I’m pretty certain Ben Yehuda (right) could have come up with Hebrew words for הפרויקטור and טרנזיסטור . There IS a perfectly good Hebrew word for מיוחד — ספישל

At least with טרנזיסטור, I had reason to believe the word was imported. Words transliterated to Hebrew having a “T” sound get a tet (ט) rather than a taf (ת).

I have an old set of Megiddo English/Hebrew and Hebrew/English dictionaries I bought at the ABC Book Store in Tel Aviv c 1975. (The store is long gone; at least I failed to find it during a recent search.) I also bought 201 Hebrew Verbs, fully conjugated — my latest copy is 501 verbs with examples (!) — so I would finally understand what the ulpan teacher was talking about when she repeatedly mentioned “שבע משפחות.”

The internet is fine, providing it is available. While it is faster to find a word on line, it is not as satisfying as looking it up in a book — and often getting side tracked to other words of interest.

I am a visual learner; I need to SEE a word. Spoken Hebrew, especially when spoken quickly or with a strong accent, gives me pause.

With the written word, I usually am able to identify the shoresh (root) and the context also helps.

I suppose I could, perhaps should, spend more time in front of the television; it might help me with spoken Hebrew.

The problem with Israeli tv news — aside from the typical slant to the right or left, is that here the news is captioned. I don’t know of any way to turn off the captions. Sounds like a good idea, especially when the grandkids are being noisy, but I try to read the captions instead of listening to the speaker.

Unfortunately, I cannot read the captions as fast as they change.

Also, captions are nikud-free.

There is one other problem for me and printed Hebrew: roshi tavot, a/k/a abbreviations.

Hebrew is replete with abbreviations.

Some are understandable in context; many are not.

Worse, some have multiple functions.

Then there are words so new they cannot be found on the internet.

חיתול vs. תיתול

Is תיתול a word or slang that, akin to “פניסתי” will disappear in time. Even The Academy of the Hebrew Language ( fails to list תיתול.



The words המילים

הפרויקטור = the project

פרויקטור = מנהל מיזם — The Hebrew Language Academy

ספישל = special

גלידה = ice cream

סבלנות = patience

טרנזיסטור = transistor

שבע משפחות = seven families

חיתול = diaper

תיתול = disposable diaper

פניסתי = finished




PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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