Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Flag march in Jerusalem

One coin,
Two sides


THERE IS ABOUT to be a “flag march” in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital.

Part of the march is to pass through a pro-”Palestine” neighborhood.



1. Is it really necessary to march through neighborhoods populated by people who really don’t like Israel. (Israel “inherited” them following Jordan’s last [of several] failed attack on Israel.)

2. If the residents of these neighborhoods hate Israel so much and since they claim to be “Palestinians,” let them relocate to areas controlled by the PLO/PFLP or Hamas . . . or to ANY country; Israel has no barriers to their emigrating from a country they hate.

Surely Israel could arrange some compensation for any Muslims who want to emigrate. That’s more than the Islamic states did for the Jews who forcefully or otherwise had to flee Muslim controlled countries, countries where generations had lived more of less peacefully for centuries.

That’s also more than the U.S. governments did for the native Americans whose land they stole and then force-marched them to a promised land that they were later prevented from accessing.

Go where Jews cannot

While a Muslim can legally live anywhere in Israel, a Jew — and possibly a non-Muslim of any religion — can not legally live in areas controlled by the PLO/PFLP or Hamas; a Muslim who sells land to a non-Muslim can be executed for the sale; the non-Muslim is taking life in his own hands just by entering the area.

The anti-Israel Muslims living in Jerusalem have been there for several generations. They are usurpers given Jewish homes by Jordan. (Was this not illegal under international law? Rhetorical question.)

According to Wikipedia (https://tinyurl.com/5cs592t8), “All Jewish inhabitants from the parts of city ruled by Jordan, including residents of Old City Jewish Quarter were expelled. ” Muslims then moved into homes formerly occupied by Jews.

As an aside After Jordan’s last aborted attempt to conquer Israel, an agreement supposedly was made with the families of the building’s Jewish owners that allowed the Muslim “squatters” to remain as renters. Rent rarely or never was paid, and the descendants of the Jewish owners took the squatters to court. The court ruled in favor of the Jewish owners and ordered eviction of the squatters. That angered the squatters and their “Palestinian” supporters who promptly rioted.

What would you do?

If a person in your country on a visa or as a permanent resident — the Muslim Israel-haters in Jerusalem are permanent residents, not citizens — works to overthrow your country, who cares not a fig for your democracy all the while enjoying its benefits, what would you want your country to do

Simple question .

If you love your country, you might suggest “Expel them”​

If you happen to be a socialist in the mold of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, you might put them into prison camps as he did with Japanese-Americans (they looked different) and a few Germans and Italians who were too blatantly pro axis.

What does Israel do?

Essentially nothing.

Israel even has declared Israel haters in its parliament (Knesset)! If you are old enough, try to imagine Joe McCarty’s reaction to Communists in congress. (https://tinyurl.com/2v2eesyn)

It would be amusing to hear the late senator’s thoughts on the libertines currently sitting in the U.S. congress. Old Joe (right) might have a field day with the “progressives” led by self-admitted Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. A list of members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is available at https://tinyurl.com/2fj7p8c8 if anyone is interested. This scrivener suspects even the late Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey would be embarrassed by the CPC’s antics.

Palestine as a state

In 1948: The Jordanians conquer the West Bank and make it part of Jordan, granting all the Arabs Jordanian citizenship. They do not establish a Palestinian state.

The Egyptians conquer the Gaza Strip but also fail to establish a Palestinian state (https://tinyurl.com/5yptk62b)

Before the Six Day War in 1967, when Jordan controlled the West Bank and Egypt ruled in Gaza, there was never any suggestion on the part of the "Palestinians" that they wanted independence in their ancestral homeland. The reason was that the "Palestinian" nation hadn't been invented yet. (https://tinyurl.com/2r45jzvd)

The founder of the Israeli Arab Balad Party, Mr. Azmi Bishara noted that there is no Palestinian nation. (https://tinyurl.com/cndxxx5u)

They just won't leave

It is unfortunate that the U.S. leftists that promised to leave the Several States if Donald Trump won in 2016 reniged on their promise.

As the "Palestinian" squatters in Jerusalem, if you don't like the country that provides you with a wealth of benefits, LEAVE.

"Palestiian" squatters can relocate to PLO/PFLP or Hamas areas; people cross the borders on a daily basis.

I'm reasonably certain Israel would give these permanent residents — not citizens — travel documents to exit Israel. What countries will let them in?

Jordan and Lebanon have too many "Palestinians" trying to bring down the governments.

According to Wikipedia, on several occasions "Palestinians" admitted "Palestine" never was a country and in deeds, they felt they were part of "southern Syria."




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