Sunday, April 25, 2021


Gaza puts Israel
Between a rock
And a hard spot

WITH BIDEN, HARRIS-EMHOFF , and other “progressives” in control of the U.S., Hamas and its Iranian-backed crazies are again lobbing missiles at Israeli civilians.

Fortunately, Israel’s “Iron Dome” anti-missile defense prevents most of the “gifts from Gaza” from doing any physical damage to Israel. There IS psychological damage, especially to young children that the best defenses cannot prevent.


THERE IS NO QUESTION that Israel could reduce Gaza to ashes. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) has the capability, with enough resources left over to eliminate Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria, or, for that matter, to send Iran back to the dark ages.

So why does it tolerate the renewed attacks from Gaza?

Several reasons.
1. Because, despite what anti-Semites claim, Israel makes every effort NOT to injure or kill civilians
2. Because if it DID eliminate Gaza’s tyrants, who would, could, step in to fill the vacuum?

During WW 2, with the nazis in charge of much of Europe, many occupied countries had “governments in exile.”

When the allies — primarily the U.S. and the (then) USSR — defeated the nazis and their collaborators, the “governments in exile” filled the vacuum left by the departing nazis and their sycophants.

Gaza lacks such a “government in exile.

When Japan surrendered, the U.S. military became the defacto government, but the mentalities of the Japanese and the Arabs of Gaza are vastly different.

The Gazans have been indoctrinated for generations to hate Israelis — Israeli Arabs, Israeli Jews, and Israeli Druze. While there are some Gazans who may feel otherwise, there probably are too few to influence the population to accept Israeli rule, even if only on a temporary basis.

The terrorist PLO/PFLP is not acceptable to either Israel or Gaza; Hamas pushed out the PLO/PFLP from Gaza apparently with little, if any objection by the residents.


Governments in exile need a sponsor, a nation that will
(a) Recognize their authority
(b) Provide sanctuary for the exiles
(c) Provide financial support
(d) Provide leadership and mentoring

Israel could provide all of the above, BUT it likely would be resented.

Iran supports Hamas (and Hezbollah), so it is not a contender.

The U.S. is not trusted anymore by anyone in the Middle East.

European powers? No better than the U.S.

Aside from China — already buying control of the world — only the Muslim states in the region are candidates to host a Gazan government in exile.

Egypt and Jordan might be good options. Most Gazans have an “Egyptian connection.”

Jordan is, at best, “shaky.” It has its own “Palestinian” problems and fears for its monarchy.

Egypt has a fairly strong military.

Egypt also has an official peace agreement with Israel (as does Jordan).

Egypt borders Gaza; at one point, Gaza was an Egyptian territory. (

Other Muslim countries in the region might be considered by the Gazans, but there are issues with the other countries’ governments and the distance from Gaza.

Morocco, for example, has a fairly stable government, but it is somewhat removed from Gaza. Likewise Bahrain and then UAE. They might be less initially acceptable to Gazans since they have “normalization” agreements with Israel. Lebanon and Syria are not good candidates due to their own internal conflicts. Qatar is in bed with Iran.

Gaza and surrounding states (Gaza too small to be seen).

Israel had experience with Gaza.

At one time, Israel controlled Gaza and Israelis developed a substantial hot house export business.

When Ariel Sharon expelled Israelis from Gaza, the locals quickly destroyed the hot houses and infrastructure, and with it a potential national income.

(Blogger’s opinion: Sharon made two major mistakes: invading Lebanon and expelling Israelis from Gaza.)

Gaza could be close to self-sufficient — it has access to the sea, it has an airport for Boeing 737-type aircraft — but its government’s belligerent behavior toward its neighbors — Egypt and Israel — prevent full commercial development.

It has the potential; all it needs is a good government.

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