Sunday, September 13, 2020


Bully’s crutch
Kicked aside,
PLO in a bind

GIVEN THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS IN THE U.S. perhaps it is not “fair,” but in all the years since 1948, no U.S. executive managed to broker a peace agreement with the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Jihad.

The U.S. “leadership” cajoled and threw money at the “Palestinians,” and the Palestinians remained obstinate: No honest negotiations with Israel.

Yes, there was Oslo — a pact the “Palestinians” almost immediately abrogated.

During the Obama administration, the “Palestinians” had a friend in D.C. and the Israelis did not.

During the Obama administration, the ayatollahs were quieter than now; the administration allowed the mullahs to expand their nuclear objectives.

The presidents before Obama were little better.


BACK IN THE DAY, the “Palestinians” had the support of many Muslim-dominated countries.

Thanks to Iran and its saber rattling and gentle pressure from Washington, two and a half Muslim countries — United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain are “normalizing” relations with Israel and Saudia is allowing over-flights — are at least open to peaceful coexistence with Israel.

So far, both Bahrain and the UAE have shown a willingness to welcome Jews, both as visitors and residents.“Normalization” does not necessarily equate to “peace,” although initial indications are that the two nations will be more accepting of Israel and Israelis than Egypt and Jordan.


Dry Bones cartoon for 13 SEP 2020 @


Why are Bahrain and the UAE more welcoming than Egypt and Jordan?

At least three things.

One: Bahrain and the UAE and wealthy, certainly by comparison to Egypt and Jordan.

Two: Neither country has a large “Palestinian” contingent. Jordan IS Palestine and many so-called “Palestinians” came from Egypt.

Three: The general level of education in Bahrain and the UAE generally is higher than that of either Jordan or Egypt.

Both Egypt and Jordan have “shaky” governments; not so much with Bahrain and the UAE.



Anyone who has lived and worked in Israel knows that Israel has been exporting to the more moderate Arab countries for decades. Saudis prefer Israeli-made air conditioners; they work better in Saudi conditions than European-made units.

Israeli-made refrigerators also are popular.

Indeed, if anyone travels to the PLO/PFLP or Hamas/Islamic Jihad-controlled areas, they will see an assortment of Israeli products.

The “Palestinians’” dilemma:

*  I won’t have anything to do with you politically, but I will buy Israeli-made products.

*  I won’t accept Chinese virus aid from Qatar since it came via Israel’s main airport (and if my people die, ah well.)

*  I won’t let my people go to Israel for medical treatment, but I will send my family there for treatment.

Meanwhile, other Muslim nations are quietly, often under-the-table, doing business with Israel.


Between Iran and the U.S.

Between the threat from Iran and encouragement from the U.S., more Muslim-controlled countries are inking “normalization” agreements with Israel.

Suddenly open trade is possible.

Suddenly technology transfers are possible.

The trade and technology will go both ways, although initially the balance of trade may be to Israel’s advantage.

Israelis are travelers.

If they cannot go to Egypt or Jordan, then Bahrain and the UAE are more than suitable replacements; they are closer that Tibet and India.

If Ramallah and Gaza City “leaders” really wanted what is good for their citizens, they would put down their weapons and make at least “normalization” agreements with Israel.

A real peace, such as between the U.S. and Canada, is a long way off; perhaps it won’t happen until the next century. But it would be a start.

To accomplish that, the “Palestinians,” regardless of where they live, must give up terror attacks on Israel and Israelis.

Eventually even the media will tire of making excuses for the intransigent “Palestinians” and start reporting the facts on the ground. To borrow a phrase, “The ‘Palestinians’ never miss a chance to miss a chance.”

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