Friday, July 31, 2020


England, Germany,
Israel & “Palestine”,
The Blue & The Grey

I WAS WATCHING AN ILTV show about why there is no resolution of the conflict with the PLO/PFLP and Israel. (

The PLO/PFLP sympathizer said there is no reason why there cannot be a rapprochement between the two sides similar to that between England and Germany.

THE RAPPROCHEMENT between England and Germany occurred only after Germany was soundly defeated; its cities left as rubble and its leaders either dead or sneaking off the other countries.

If that is what it takes to subdue outward hatred, then Israel should level every PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood city, town, and village; rain total devastation on the Muslim-only areas, and then take over politically and militarily to suppress any any lingering opposition.

That’s what England did, with a lot of help from the U.S., in the “western zone” and what Russia did, with no help from anyone, in the “eastern zone.” (Chas. de Gaulle at least had the good sense not to interfere.)

The U.S. inked a surrender agreement with Japan after Harry S Truman ordered two atomic bombs dropped on the island.

Japan, like Germany, was devastated.

To its credit, the U.S. then helped the defeated Germans and Japanese get back to business, even at the cost to America’s steel manufacturers. (The U.S. steel industry still has not recovered.)

Conversely, ill will lingered long after the end of the War for Southern Independence, a/k/a the U.S. Civil War.


For the most part — there are exceptions to every rule — the Federals who came to the defeated South did everything they could to humiliate and hinder the southerners who fought for an ideal.

In parts of the U.S. you still can hear “damnyankee” said with the same bitterness as some people say “red neck” or “hillbilly.”

It is no secret that while blacks who made an effort left the ghettos and rose to high positions, many blacks prefer to blame whites for their station in life. Like the captives in Gaza and the PLO/PFLP areas, and in UN “refugee” camps, they are resigned to their plight.

Unless Israel brings the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood to their knees and eliminates them there will be no peace. Once the oppressors are eliminated — militarily and politically — then, and only then, can Israel help the Muslims in those areas come into the 21st century; to become productive and independent.

Of course, the Muslims under today’s oppression could be like Cubans.

The U.S. has several times “freed” Cubans from dictators, only to see the Cubans abandon democracy at the first instant and revert to a dictatorship. Some people, and perhaps the currently oppressed Muslims are in this category, cannot function in a democracy.

If — perhaps “when” — Israel tires of trying to make peace with the recalcitrant Muslims and turns out its “leadership,” it must provide a temporary government; it cannot leave a vacuum to be filled by other despots.

The question is: Are there Muslims who are able to successfully rule, at least on an interim basis, people who never knew democracy; who have only known autocracy, rule by tyrant and demigod. If there are, where are they? If there are, do they have the charisma to rule, even for a brief period?

The first test that democracy has a chance is when free elections are held and the leaders appointed by the victors surrender their offices.

Bottom Line: Germany and Japan were devastated; their cities leveled, their soldiers and civilians killed, and their leaders put on trial for war crimes.

If the PLO/PFLP sympathizer wants to use England and Germany as an example of two peoples who have — at least for now — sheathed their swords, he should understand that Germany (and Japan) had no alternative, and England, which had a hand in forcing Germany to revolt against its WW1 treaties (by demanding reparations Germany could not provide in the worldwide depression), held all the cards (dealt by the U.S.)

If he is proposing such a rapprochement with the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood is possible, it only can happen if Israel thoroughly devastates their enemy.

The despots must know that they can depend only on Iran for aid, and Iran currently is fending off, less and less successfully, internal insurrection.

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