Friday, July 31, 2020


England, Germany,
Israel & “Palestine”,
The Blue & The Grey

I WAS WATCHING AN ILTV show about why there is no resolution of the conflict with the PLO/PFLP and Israel. (

The PLO/PFLP sympathizer said there is no reason why there cannot be a rapprochement between the two sides similar to that between England and Germany.

THE RAPPROCHEMENT between England and Germany occurred only after Germany was soundly defeated; its cities left as rubble and its leaders either dead or sneaking off the other countries.

If that is what it takes to subdue outward hatred, then Israel should level every PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood city, town, and village; rain total devastation on the Muslim-only areas, and then take over politically and militarily to suppress any any lingering opposition.

That’s what England did, with a lot of help from the U.S., in the “western zone” and what Russia did, with no help from anyone, in the “eastern zone.” (Chas. de Gaulle at least had the good sense not to interfere.)

The U.S. inked a surrender agreement with Japan after Harry S Truman ordered two atomic bombs dropped on the island.

Japan, like Germany, was devastated.

To its credit, the U.S. then helped the defeated Germans and Japanese get back to business, even at the cost to America’s steel manufacturers. (The U.S. steel industry still has not recovered.)

Conversely, ill will lingered long after the end of the War for Southern Independence, a/k/a the U.S. Civil War.


For the most part — there are exceptions to every rule — the Federals who came to the defeated South did everything they could to humiliate and hinder the southerners who fought for an ideal.

In parts of the U.S. you still can hear “damnyankee” said with the same bitterness as some people say “red neck” or “hillbilly.”

It is no secret that while blacks who made an effort left the ghettos and rose to high positions, many blacks prefer to blame whites for their station in life. Like the captives in Gaza and the PLO/PFLP areas, and in UN “refugee” camps, they are resigned to their plight.

Unless Israel brings the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood to their knees and eliminates them there will be no peace. Once the oppressors are eliminated — militarily and politically — then, and only then, can Israel help the Muslims in those areas come into the 21st century; to become productive and independent.

Of course, the Muslims under today’s oppression could be like Cubans.

The U.S. has several times “freed” Cubans from dictators, only to see the Cubans abandon democracy at the first instant and revert to a dictatorship. Some people, and perhaps the currently oppressed Muslims are in this category, cannot function in a democracy.

If — perhaps “when” — Israel tires of trying to make peace with the recalcitrant Muslims and turns out its “leadership,” it must provide a temporary government; it cannot leave a vacuum to be filled by other despots.

The question is: Are there Muslims who are able to successfully rule, at least on an interim basis, people who never knew democracy; who have only known autocracy, rule by tyrant and demigod. If there are, where are they? If there are, do they have the charisma to rule, even for a brief period?

The first test that democracy has a chance is when free elections are held and the leaders appointed by the victors surrender their offices.

Bottom Line: Germany and Japan were devastated; their cities leveled, their soldiers and civilians killed, and their leaders put on trial for war crimes.

If the PLO/PFLP sympathizer wants to use England and Germany as an example of two peoples who have — at least for now — sheathed their swords, he should understand that Germany (and Japan) had no alternative, and England, which had a hand in forcing Germany to revolt against its WW1 treaties (by demanding reparations Germany could not provide in the worldwide depression), held all the cards (dealt by the U.S.)

If he is proposing such a rapprochement with the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood is possible, it only can happen if Israel thoroughly devastates their enemy.

The despots must know that they can depend only on Iran for aid, and Iran currently is fending off, less and less successfully, internal insurrection.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on England & Germany

Sunday, July 26, 2020



THE JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE, a/k/a “JNS” wins the award for stupidest headline of the week.

At JNS asks What does Iran’s pivot to China mean for Israel?

It HAS to be kidding.



  *  China owns Israel’s Haifa and Ashdod ports

  *  China is making attempts to build Israeli infrastructure

  *  China owns at least one major food supplier (Tnuva)

  *  China is notorious for stealing other counties’ secrets

  *  China is known to “play both ends against the middle” for its own benefit

  *  China has, largely through deception and spying, stolen military secrets from the U.S. and Russia and on those secrets it has built its modern military

That being the case, China’s “pivot” to Iran — a “pivot” that has been going on for at least a decade and includes trade with the ayatollahs banned by the U.S. and others — MUST be a concern for even the most leftist Israeli.


The enemy of my enemy . . .

The Muslims have an expression: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That can be reversed in the case of Persia: The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

China is Iran’s friend — at least for the time being.

China has a goal — restore the trade route between China and Europe. It is making the effort over land and over water.

In itself, there is nothing inherently wrong with China’s ambition.

The problem is China’s abuse of its political and trade alliances.

China never has been known as a peacemaker, so any hope that China would mitigate the ayatollah’s goal to destroy Israel is no more than a pipe dream.

What China could do, and based on its history, likely will do, is to “sell” information about Israel to the ayatollahs who in turn will share it with their proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and Jordan. Do they really care about the floundering PLO/PFLP? It may not be worth the ayatollah’s effort or funds.

China is offering — for a fee, of course — to dig tunnels in Israel for rapid transit, a la major cities’ subway (“tube”) lines.

Israel sits on a major fault — that’s how the walls of Jericho fell1 — and quakes are known to happen throughout the country.


Dead Sea Fault line (FIU article & image @


The Dead Sea Fault (DSF) has branches (below) toward the Mediterranean Sea that pass beneath some of Israel’s most densely populated areas.


DSF branches into population centers
Left: Maps of the World @
Right: From FIU map (ibid.)


Although the fault and is branches are fairly well documented, the Chinese would, of necessity when digging tunnels, precisely locate the fault lines. Sharing this information with the ayatollahs and their proxies could result in a major earthquake destroying much of the country.

Would the ayatollahs risk destroying the Mosque-on-the-Temple? Would they risk endangering the lives of their friends under PLO/PFLP? Consider the Muslim desire to die in an intifada. Given that, what is the obvious answer?


Pay me now or pay me later

Israel must decide if it really is in its best interest to allow the Chinese to buy the country food companies, to take over the sea ports — U.S. ships visit Haifa; will that cease when the Chinese flag flies over the port? — to dig tunnels near a fault line.

Granted, there may be some financial benefits to selling the country to the Chinese — could it be worse than the Roman, Greek, Assyrian, or other occupations? — but in the long run, is it in Israel’s long-term best interests?

There was a Fram oil filter commercial many years ago2 that told car owners: Pay me now, or pay me later.

If Israel sells out to the Chinese will it have to pay later?

TO BE HONEST, this scrivener heartily dislikes the Chinese government. It has sent the U.S. a long list of faulty and dangerous products, it has given the world more than one virus (COVID-19 being just the latest), it has proven it steals secrets, both government and commercial. In this scrivener’s opinion, China cannot be a trusted friend.


1. Joshua 6 2-17 (JPS ©1955)

2. Fram commercial:

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on Stupid Headline

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


When did Gantz
Join the Joint List?

HOW IS IT THAT co-Prime Minister, Benny Gantz, supports the PLO/PLFP’s Slay for Pay?

According to Yediot Aharonot, as reported by Israel National News/Arutz 71, Gantz over the weekend extended the moratorium on an order imposing criminal sanctions on Palestinian Arab banks that hold accounts of terrorists and their families and which are budgeted by the Palestinian Authority.

The imposition of sanctions was initiated by former Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, and Gantz froze the sanctions a month and a half ago.


Ayalet Shaked and Naftali Bennett


Granted, Gantz is not a member of either Netanyahu’s Likud or Bennett’s Blue and White political party, but leader of the so-called Israel Resilience Party.

It seems more than a little strange that Gantz, former Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, is so willing to fund the killers of Israeli military and civilians.

Abu Mazen and the PLO/PFLP cuts the pay of its workers to pay prisoners in Israeli jails salaries that often are greater than the wages they would get at an honest job.

At the same time, the PLO/PFLP don’t pay their bills for utilities they get from Israel. Abu Mazen, in a fit of pique,

  * Refuses to accept tax money Israel collects for the PLO/PFLP

  * Condemns his people to second rate health services by preventing access to Israel’s superior health care workers and facilities

  * Prevents his people from working in Israel for better wages.

Meanwhile, Abu Mazen calls the continued payments to terrorists a "red line" that would not be halted under any circumstances.


Is Gantz a PLO agent?

While Gantz may not be an active member of the anti-Israel Arab Joint List, his allowing the PLO/PFLP to continue paying people who have slain Israelis seems to be counter-productive — unless you are Abu Mazen.

Will allowing Slay for Pay payments bring the PLO//PFLP to the bargaining table? So far it has not, Abu Mazen et al are as intransigent as before.

Based on past discussions, the only way Abu Mazen will be satisfied is when the last Jew leaves Israel.

Abu Mazen has lost face with Arabs around the globe. He still is the darling of non-Arab liberals everywhere, but in truth, he has become an embarrassment to the PLO/PFLP bosses.

Hanging on to the Slay for Pay is his last gasp — and Gantz is helping him by allowing the program to continue.

Not only is Gantz propping up Abu Mazen, he is showing the world that (like the U.S.) Israeli decisions are cast in Jell-O®, if even that much.

With Netanyahu fighting for his political life, Gantz is PM heir apparent.

The only alternative to a Gantz-led government similar to Rabin, Olmert, and Peres, to name but three leftists prime ministers, is a government headed by Bennett, Shaked, or similar strong personality.

Abu Mazen — even despite losing support from other Muslims in the Middle East — refuses to even DISCUSS borders with any right wing government and Netanyahu, who flips and flops daily on settlements, still is considered “right wing.” Abu Mazen is no fool. He realizes that with Gantz as prime minister the PLO/PFLP again will be in position to demand additional concessions from the leftists . . . with the likelihood of getting them.

I would not wish yet another election on the people of Israel, but the current kluge is similar to having Trump as president and Biden as vice-president.




1. Arutz 7:

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on Gantz

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Headless statute
Leads to random
Linked musings

CATHOLICS IN A SMALL DADE COUNTY parish are rightfully upset because vandals lopped the head off a statue of their man-god, Jesus.

The congregants are calling this decapitation a “hate crime.”

Some thoughts.

What’s in a name?

The tv reporter said the vandalized statue was of “Jesus Christ.”

When did “Christ” — I’m told the word is Greek for משיח — become a surname?

By almost all accounts — excepting those by the PLO/PFLP in occupied Israel — Jesus was a Jew. In Jesus’s time, his name would have been Jesus ben Joseph, the man who assumed the role of Jesus’ father.

Jesus’ followers will insist God was his father, but “Jesus ben God” is hard to accept.

If his followers want to believe the Jesus was the messiah, the “christ,” then they should identify him as “Jesus OUR Christ.” After all, he is not the messiah for the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and a host of others.


But he doesn’t LOOK Jewish

Curious. If Jesus was a Jew — or “Palestinian,” albeit Islam and “Palestine” were unknown at the time — how come Jesus looks like a European?

Some images give Jesus a light tan while Mary, his mother, always is as pale as snow.

True, Jews in modern Israel come in all shades (thanks to wars, conversions, and intermarriages), but while ancient Israel had been overrun by numerous armies, including Roman and Greek, the Jews of Josephus’ time probably did NOT look like Europeans.


Heady subject

The miscreant(s) who lopped off the head of the plaster image in Dade County were following in the well-worn footsteps of Islam.

The Romans set up busts of their gods along the coast of Israel.

When they eventually were driven out, the Jews, obeying the Bible commandment forbidding “graven images” (לֹא-תַעֲשֶׂה לְךָ פֶסֶל, וְכָל-תְּמוּנָה ) — Exodus 20.4 שמות — punched out the eyes of all the busts.

Then the Muslims came along and — as in South Florida — lopped off the heads.

The Muslims still destroy other people’s statues.1

Can lopping off the head of a plaster statue be a hate crime on the level of the

  “Holy” Inquisition





  Blood libels

not to mention quotas for schools, professions, and trades?

Just asking.

Was David Jewish?

Anyone who has seen Michelangelo's David might question: Is this “David” Jewish. In other words, did David have a brit?

From the looks of images the statue, it would seem that David was not circumcised.

However, according to several sources, including one by an opponent of circumcision,2, the statue is of a circumcised David.

According to Trisha Casey's blog for 10 January 2019, back in David’s day, a brit was not as “thorough” as it is today. The change came, she posits, Tainan devised a more thorough kind of circumcision which involved fully amputating the foreskin in order to prevent foreskin restoration when the boy grew older“ in response to Jews trying to reverse the operation to be like the invaders du jour.

While Ms. Casey seems to have done her homework, she fails to cite any sources, making — for me — the whole thing “suspicious.”

Even lacking citations, her effort is interesting.

Jews of many hues

Recently there have been remarks, primarily by the Fool Farrakhan, claiming that blacks are the “true Jews.”

This scrivener knows observant Jews who are black.

In the U.S.A. and in Israel.

I also know Jews who are brown. Again, both in the U.S.A. and in Israel.

NONE are followers of the fool or his sycophants.

Indeed, most of the black Jews I know are politically somewhat to the right of center.

Unlike the fool’s fake Jews, these Jews observe the commandments to a greater or lesser extant. They raise their children as Jews.

The fact that too many Euro-Jews reject them simply because they are black is disgraceful, but then that’s typically the Euro-Jews’ response to anyone who is a little (Sefardim) or a lot (black) different from them.

I realize I’m tarring the Euro-Jews with a broad brush and it is unfair, but ...


Blacks in America in 2020 are demanding reparations for their ancestors’ slavery. They remember the bad ol’ days.

Jews also remember our ancestors’ slavery in Egypt. Every Pesach (Passover) we recite : We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt עבדים חיינו לפרעה במצרים

“In each generation, each person is obligated to see himself or herself as though he or she personally came forth from Egypt.”

We remember, but we got over it. True, modern Israel has fought several wars with modern Egypt, BUT Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin made a peace agreement that (ב”ה) still holds today.

The Jews who suffered at the hands of the nazis and their followers throughout Europe and the Middle East received reparations from the Germans (not the Hungarians or Poles or …) for the people who suffered or their immediate next of kin. The reparations are not extended to the children of the people who received reparations.

The blacks in the U.S. — like the “Palestinians” in UN camps — are demanding reparations for their ancestors” condition.

Never mind that

*  The American Colonization Society (ACS) was created to deal with the “problem” of the growing number of free blacks in the United States by resettling them in Africa. The resulting state of Liberia would become the second (after Haiti) black republic in the world at that time.3 Liberia in 2020 4 Haiti in 2020 5

*  President Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces and blacks have risen to top positions; Gen. Colin Powell was Chairman of the JCS and Secretary of Defense

*  President Lyndon Johnson created the “Great Society” to open the doors to education and jobs for all Americans in 1964.

*  LBJ appointed the first black cabinet member in 1966.

The bottom line is that blacks can achieve management and executive positions if they make the effort. Many have, many more could.

It takes an effort to make the song We shall overcome a reality.


1. Muslims & statues:

2. Trish Causey:

3. Liberia & Haiti:

4. Liberia:

5. Haiti:

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on Beheading

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Abu Mazen avoids
Killing own people


The “Leadership”

DUMBER AND MORE SELF-CENTERED THAN EVEN Dilberts’s Pointed Haired Boss (PHB), Abu Mazen, the terrorist who is “president for life” in the PLO/PFLP-controlled areas of Israel, refuses to accept medical supplies donated by the UAE


It is more important for Abu Mazen to prevent any semblance of normalization between any Muslim country and Israel than it is to protect the people in the PLO/PFLP-controlled areas of Israel.


However, based on past experience with Abu Mazen and his friends, if they or their near kin get sick they will rush to an Israeli hospital — usually a private hospital in Tel Aviv — to make certain they get the treatment their subjects do not deserve — or are not allowed to access.

In a fit of pique, Abu Mazen et al closed the border. People in PLO/PFLP occupied areas of Israel are as locked IN as Israelis are locked out.

Gaza, under the twin thumbs of Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Brotherhood, is only slightly better. Perhaps was only slightly better. According to Al Arabiya’s English language site, some Hamas higher up apparently defected to Israel1 or were clandestinely transferring intelligence to Israel, Gaza’s “leadership” has been arresting its own people on spying charges. (Cutting off supplies via Israel is not a problem; Egypt might be convinced to open its border with Gaza.)

According to Israel HaYom’s English language online edition2, the

Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is concerned about the PA's serious lack of vital medical equipment and corona testing kits – one of the reasons for which is a decision by the PA leadership not to collect a shipment of medical supplies and testing kits sent by the UAE that has been waiting at Ben-Gurion Airport for two months.

The PA has stopped coordinating with Israel and refuses to cooperate with "signs of normalization" with Israel that Arab countries have been showing.

The site continues: Meanwhile, the Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rokon has announced that due to the continued spread of coronavirus in Judea and Samaria, Israel has decided to keep Palestinian workers employed in Israel from crossing back and forth. The workers will be allowed to return home to celebrate Eid al-Adha, which begins on July 30, with their families. However, workers who do travel to the PA for the holiday will not be permitted to return to Israel.

Sources in the PLO/PFLP areas of Occupied Israel report that On Tuesday, the PLO Health Ministry announced 293 new cases among Palestinians in a 24-hour period. Tuesday saw another four Palestinian deaths from the virus and 59 Palestinian coronavirus patients recovered. Another 18 were in intensive care.

As of Tuesday, the number of active or symptomatic cases in the PA stood at 6,372, while 1,317 patients have recovered. The death toll from coronavirus among the Palestinians stood at 45 as of Tuesday. 

As Palestinians die, Abu Mazen sits safely away from reality, denying his subjects medical aid simply




1. Al Arabiya

2. Israel HaYom:

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on Bus Mazen murders ‘Palestinians’

Monday, July 6, 2020


In bed with foes:
U.S., Israel, China,
And Iran: Foolish

RISING TO A NEW HIGH IN POLITICAL AND MILITARY STUPIDITY, three countries have climbed under the covers with China:

  1. U.S.
  2. Israel
  3. IRAN!

While President Trump is trying, despite leftist Democrat opposition, to wean the U.S. from cheap Chinese products — somehow “goods” seems inappropriate for things from China —, Israel is surrendering its Haifa and Ashdod sea ports to the Chinese, and the Chinese are buying oil from Iran in exchange to technology — technology that may be used against the U.S. and Israel, the “Big Satan” and the “Little Satan” according to the ayatollahs.

The Chinese already own a number of companies in the U.S. and Israel, including major food processing companies.1, 2


Enemies of Israel and U.S.: Chinese dragon, Iranian cat


The most prominent foreign acquisition of an American food company in the past few years was Chinese company WH Group’s 2013 purchase of Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion. The combined company is the largest pork producer in the world. WH Group, formerly known as Shuanghui, allegedly has received subsidies from the Chinese government. The deal was the largest ever Chinese acquisition of an American company. Brazil may be an even bigger buyer of U.S. food companies.3

The Chinese are pervasive both in the U.S.4 and Israel,2

Is there a danger to U.S. and Israeli security from the Chinese invasion? The Rand organization seems to support this with its RAND_RR3176 report5.

The Chinese are known for stealing technology from any and every source.

Both Israel and the U.S. are leading technology countries; leading in defense, electronics, medicine, general science, agriculture, environmental sciences, and more.

Why would ANYONE invite a known thief into their home?

No one with an ounce of sense would do that.

Worse, why would ANYONE invite a known thief into their home when the thief is cozy with someone who wants to harm, to kill, them?

Yet, both Israel and the U.S. allow the Chinese thieves into their homes.

The old expression: “You get what you pay for,” while grammatically wrong is, still, sadly true. When you “buy cheap,” you get cheap.

People do it.

Governments do it.

The trouble with buying Chinese — or worse, letting the Chinese buy into the house — is that not only is the purchased product shoddy, but the thief in the house is stealing from his or her host.

China has proven it doesn’t care for its customers.

Despite U.S. laws to the contrary, China has sent to America

    Contaminated food

    Dangerous medicines

    Drywall that gave off volatile chemicals and sulfurous gases

    Faulty automotive parts

    Flammable clothing

    Toys painted with poisonous lead paint

and the list goes on.

Israel has allowed Chinese companies to dig tunnels for public transportation, and well as permitted it to build light rail systems.

Given that the Chinese are in bed with Iran, and that Iran repeatedly, almost continuously, threatens to “wipe Israel off the map,” the Iranians now know more about Israeli tunnels and infrastructure than is good for Israel.

The Chinese need Iran’s oil more than they need Israel — and America’s — money.

Common sense, a commodity the leaders of Israel in particular seem to lack, would caution against doing business with the friend of my enemy.

MEANWHILE, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Tehran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China, terms of which will be announced once a deal is struck, French news agency AFP reported Sunday.6

There is a famous saying in the Middle east: “An enemy of my friend is my enemy.”

Israel and the U.S. would be well advised to consider the implications of an Iran-China liaison.




1. China in US:

2. China in Israel:

3. Foreign food companies:

4. Chinese ownership in U.S.:

5 Rand:

6. China-Iran Agreement:

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Web sites (URLs) beginning are generated by the free Tiny URL utility and reduce lengthy URLs to manageable size.


Comment on China and Iran