Monday, March 2, 2020


Poll of 1001 Jews
Shows Jews plan
To vote any Dem

READING MY EMAIL on motze Shabat (2/29/2020) I saw that a poll of “1001” Jews would vote for ANY Democrat to defeat President Donald Trump.

Sen. Sanders was at the bottom of the Democrats’ favorites, but he was there.

THE REASON THESE Jews would vote against Trump — for that’s what it is, a vote against, not a vote for — is because they believe a rise in anti-Semitism in the U.S. is Trump’s fault.


No time for Israel.

These Jews apparently believe Trump inspires anti-Semitism in extreme leftists and extreme right-wingers.

Everything Trump does, they believe, promotes anti-Semitism.

Stupid question: What about "The Squad" and other anti-anything Jewish politicians?

All 1001 Jews who were polled over a few days.

The article did NOT state how the question was phrased.

The article did NOT state who was asked — just “Jews.”

Non-observant Jews remain solidly in the Democrat camp.

These are the Jews who support illegal immigration by hiring illegals.

These are the Jews who support black advancement — as long as it’s not in THEIR neighborhood.

These are the Jews who live behind gates and prefer to hobnob with others of their financial level — whatever that might be — rather than live in a synagogue-centered neighborhood.

That is not to state that ALL non-observant Jews are the same, but many are from the same left-leaning mold.


What have the Democrats done for the Jews?

FDR had a chance to allow a shipload of Jews into the U.S. where their support would have been guaranteed by America’s Jews.1

But he refused.

Japan — German’s ally — DID provide succor for Jews escaping the nazis and Jews in America and elsewhere guaranteed the refugees would not burden Japan.2, 3

FDR could have saved hundreds of not thousands of Jewish lives by allowing U.S. bombers to bomb rail lines used by the nazis to carry Jews to their deaths.

But he refused. 4

Even the highly touted 32-nation Evian conference was described by Walter Mondale as a “legacy of shame” and said the participants “failed the test of civilization.”

George McGovern, in a 2004 interview about the missions he flew near Auschwitz said the decision “not to go after Auschwitz…. God forgive us…. There was a pretty good chance we could have blasted those rail lines off the face of the earth [and] interrupted the flow of people to those death chambers, and we had a pretty good chance of knocking out those gas ovens.”

Harry S Truman, on the other hand, overrode his State Department and ordered his representative to the UN to vote for the establishment of Israel. It strictly is speculation, but had FDR survived, the U.S. vote probably would have been AGAINST the establishment of a Jewish-dominant state.

JFK who allegedly was “otherwise close to Israel” threatened Israel when it became know that Israel might have a nuclear weapon.

“As I wrote Mr. Ben-Gurion, this government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as Israel’s effort in the nuclear field,” the telegram said.5

Kennedy forced Israel to allow twice-yearly inspections of its nuclear facilities; this was ended by President Nixon.

LBJ on the other hand, was a real friend of Israel. Johnson as Senate majority leader, who stood in the way years earlier of Dwight Eisenhower’s plans to cut off assistance to Israel. He knew few Jews growing up in Texas, but cultivated lifelong friendships as he rose through the ranks of the Democratic Party, which had become the natural political home for most Jews.

Historians generally regard Johnson as the president most uniformly friendly to Israel.

“Johnson was the most emotionally committed to Israel of any American president — a fact that is not popularly known but is clear from his background,” Dennis Ross, a veteran Middle East negotiator in Republican and Democratic administrations, said last year at a symposium of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where he is counselor. 6

Johnson was burdened by JFK’s war in Vietnam and is more remembered for that than his Great Society programs7, of which there were many, and international issues.

Apparently the Great Society programs failed since Democrat presidential contenders in 2020 are promoting the same things 56 years after LBJ initiated them.

One-term president Jimmy Carter facilitated the official peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat told Egyptians he would go anywhere, “even Jerusalem,” for peace with Israel. Israel’s first right-wing prime minister, Menachem Begin quickly took him up on his offer and Sadat spoke before the Israeli Knesset (parliament) in November 1977, well before their meeting at Camp David.

In this scrivener’s years in Israel, the night I watched from my balcony in Holon as Sadat’s plane came to Lod is one of the highlights.

Wm. Jefferson Clinton claimed he 'killed myself to give the Palestinians a state', but added Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart.” He recognized that Israel needed to protect itself.

Clinton brought Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the PLO chairman, to the White House to shake hands on their first agreement on ending their conflict.

Although the Oslo track clearly was destined toward statehood for the Palestinians, Clinton did not articulate that outcome until his last weeks in office. In 2000, after the Camp David talks ended without a deal, Clinton broke with protocol and blamed Yasser Arafat, the PLO leader, for the failure. 8

According to former president Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policy backing settlements in occupied territory is making a future Palestinian state impossible.10

The English site the Independent11 reports that Barack Obama has told Israel it cannot permanently occupy and settle on Palestinian land in a speech to the United Nations.

The US president said both sides would benefit if Israel recognised it cannot permanently occupy the land and if Palestinians rejected incitement and recognised Israel's legitimacy.

“Surely Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel," he said on Tuesday.

"But Israel must recognise that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land."

Foreign Affairs magazine12 claims That Obama is now seen as the last, best hope for a two-state solution is deeply ironic given how little he has done to advance that goal in the nearly eight years since he took office.

According to the Associated Press, Obama on his last day in office released $221 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority even though two Congressional committee members had placed the distribution on hold.


But what about Democrat candidates?

Obama’s VP, Joe Biden, apparently thinks PLO and Hamas attacks on Israel and Israel's response to the murder of its citizen are about equal. The Hill 13 reports that Biden on Sunday called on both Israelis and Palestinians to take steps to achieve peace that can relieve the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

“We all need to work together to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, because it is a crisis,” Biden said in pre-recorded remarks played to 18,000 attendees at the annual conference for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

“And we’re not going to achieve that future if we don’t condemn steps on both sides that take us further from peace.

“Palestinians need to eradicate incitement on the West Bank. Eradicate it. They need to end the rocket attacks from Gaza. Stop it,” Biden continued.

“And Israel, I think, has to stop the threats of annexation and settlement activity, like the recent announcement to build thousands of settlements in E1,” he added, referring to an undeveloped area outside Jerusalem that connects with the Israeli community of Ma’aleh Adumim.

Democrat-Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, according to FeelTheBern.org14 states that the candidate “The hatred, violence and loss of life that define this conflict make living an ordinary life a constant struggle for both peoples. We must work with those Israeli and Palestinian leaders who are committed to peace, security and statehood rather than to empty rhetoric and violence. A two-state solution must include compromises from both sides to achieve a fair and lasting peace in the region. The Palestinians must fulfill their responsibilities to end terrorism against Israel and recognize Israel’s right to exist. In return, the Israelis must end their policy of targeted killings, prevent further Israeli settlements on Palestinian land and prevent the destruction of Palestinian homes, businesses and infrastructure.”

The fact that there never WAS a “Palestinian” land doesn’t deter the candidate, nor apparently, is he concerned that there is no “Palestinian” leader with whom to negotiate and, given previous “agreements” with Arafat, Abu Mazen, and the rulers du jour in Gaza, have held for more than a few hours before being broken by the so-called “Palestinians.”

Candidate Sanders repeatedly has condemned Israeli PM Netanyahu as a “reactionary racist.”

Mike Bloomberg — first a Democrat, then when it was convenient, a Republican, and now a Democrat again — was a three term mayor of New York City — managing to get a two-term limit law removed.14

Bloomberg has a record of supporting Israel with both his time and money. During the 2014 Gaza War, Bloomberg defied a Federal Aviation Authority ban on flying into Israel after rockets landed near Ben-Gurion Airport. “In my own little way, I wanted to show the world that Jews would never let fear of terrorism keep us out of Israel,” Bloomberg said later.

As mayor, Bloomberg also played a key role in the creation of a Cornell University-Technion-Israel Institute of Technology high-tech research campus on Roosevelt Island. Bloomberg donated $100 million to the project.

Bloomberg’s response to a JTA questionnaire15:
Israel is the closest and most reliable U.S. ally in the Middle East. And I believe guaranteeing the survival of a democratic, Jewish state in the Holy Land is a solemn obligation of the United States, as it has been for more than half a century. That doesn’t mean an Israeli government is above criticism. And I am quick to tell them when I believe they’ve done something wrong.

That said, there’s a difference between objecting to specific policies of Israel’s government and attempting to delegitimize Israel altogether — as some on the left have done. When I have differences with Israeli policies, I will work directly with the Israeli government to address my concerns. I will do so in a manner that befits the close relationship between our countries.

Let me be clear: I strongly oppose the BDS movement. And I vehemently disagree with everyone who fails to see why the Jewish people deserve a permanent Jewish state.


On moving the embassy to Tel Aviv

The following is excerpted from The Jerusalem Post16 that queried Sanders, Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren.

Bloomberg: "You can't move the embassy back. We should not have done it without getting something from the Israeli government. But it was done and you're going to have to leave it there."

Sanders: "It's something that we would take into consideration."

Warren: "We should let the parties (Israel and the “Palestinians”) determine the capitals themselves."


1. SS St. Louis:

2. Japan:

3. Japan:

4. Railway bombing:

5. JFK:

6. LBJ:

7. Great Society:

8. Clinton:

9. Clinton:

10: Obama & settlements:

11. Obama at UN:

12. Obama and “Palestinian” land:

13. Biden:

14. Bloomberg as mayor:

15. JTA questionnaire:

16. J Post:

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Jews for Democrats – Why?