Wednesday, February 5, 2020


What should Israel
Do about ongoing
Attacks from Gaza?


HAMAS AND ISLAMIC BROTHERHOOD attack Israeli civilians day after day with fire bombs, balloons, rockets, and whatever else is handy.

Most of the attacks land in the lightly populated agricultural south.

Netanyahu and the Knesset’s members live in or near Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and have little interest in ending the endless attacks.


JEWS ACQUIRED AZA as a war trophy. Jews were forced out of Aza at gunpoint by Likud’s Ariel Sharon.

Aza’s new government allowed the infrastructure and houses to be destroyed. Some of the materials acquired by the new “owners” of the Jewish businesses were turned into weapons against the expelled Jews.

At one time the PLO controlled Aza. Now Hamas, which toes a hard line compared to Abu Mazen and the PLO’s petulance of ignoring Israel. While the PLO pouts, Hamas and, now threatened for control of Aza by Islamic Brotherhood, sends sundry weapons sailing into Israel and sends children to the border fence as shields for its “brave” fighters.

Although the IDF makes noises and claims it attacked Hamas/Brotherhood sites, nothing really is accomplished.

Try the American’s approach to Japan

When Japan finally surrendered to end World War 2, the Americans could have installed a harsh military government.

Instead, after removing the real government, it “guided” the emperor and respected Japanese to form a western style government under the protection of the U.S. military.

There was a political vacuum, but the U.S. filled it until the Japanese could fill the gap.

Eventually, the U.S. presence was reduced and while the U.S. has military bases in Japan, they are there as guests, not conquerors.

Japan, as a nation, prospers.

Could the same work for Israel and Aza?

According to some — perhaps Pollyannas — there are in Aza citizens who would prefer a government other than Hamas, Islamic Brotherhood, or even the PLO.

There have been some signs of discontent and apparently Hamas, et al, dealt harshly with dissenters.

Hamas and the Brotherhood control the weapons, so a revolt by unarmed civilians is unlikely.

During World War 2, the allies supported several “governments-in-exile.”

Israel, with Egyptian support, could encourage a government-in-exile for Aza. The headquarters of such an organization could be, preferably, in Egypt as most of Aza’s population has roots in Egypt, but also could be in Israel.

Upsetting Trump’s plan?

The government-in-exile could help Azans who are willing to work to help overthrow Hamas, Brotherhood, and PLO governments. The “help” could come in many fashions: propaganda (a/k/a PR), communications gear, weapons, intelligence.

Meanwhile, the government-in-exile would prepare itself to assume control of Aza, perhaps with initial military and police support from its sponsors.

This government-in-exile could provide Israel and Egypt with necessary military intelligence so that either Israel or Egypt — preferably both simultaneously — can overthrow the current despotic governments.

If Israel acted alone, “The World” would take umbrage, but if Egypt joined in the overthrow, there would be less objection from the world’s leftists.

The key to replacing the current Aza leadership is establishing a government-in-exile of people most Azans can accept; people known for honesty; people known to be concerned for their fellow citizens’ welfare, and, hopefully, people who want peace with Aza’s neighbors: Egypt and Israel.

It might take Aza electing to separate from the PLFP/PLO. How that would effect President Trumps proposal for a two-part “Palestinian” state is not this scrivener’s concern. My personal preference would be for Egypt to annex Aza and make it an integral part of that country. Anwar Sadat, in his wisdom, refused Menachem Begin’s offer to give back Aza, even though most residents of the “Strip” have Egyptian roots.

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