Sunday, January 5, 2020


Chinese may cost
Israel its best ally

AS THE CHINESE FLAG begins to replace the Blue and White, Israel may find itself losing its one military and financially strong ally, the United States.

THE CHINESE, who already hold enough U.S. debt to bankrupt the country, now are buying up Israel.

Tnuva now is Chinese.

Haifa Port is Chinese.

Ashdod soon will be Chinese.

What next?

What is known is that the Chinese buy or steal when they can from any source. Israel’s intelligence community must be a prime target.

What is known is that China is in bed with Iran, the enemy of both the U.S. and Israel.

Apparently Israel’s ”king for life” cannot see the reality in front of him.

If China buys more control of Israeli industry and services, the U.S. will be more and more reluctant to share anything with Israel, and Israel may be less inclined, or able, to share with the U.S.

Will Chinese flag replace Mogan David?

China not only BUYS Israeli industry and services, it also could SELL to Israel military hardware — aircraft, surface and submersible ships, missiles — all of which is said to be “world class.” A lot of the stuff IS “copy cat,” e.g. a Chinese version of the Russian AK-47, but they may have, as the Japanese have done since WW 2, improved on the original product (transistors, being a case in point).

What would be the U.S. reaction to Israel suddenly buying Chinese military gear in lieu of U.S. goods. (Would China “give” Israel military aid on the condition that it use the yens to buy Chinese products, the same “string” the U.S. uses to bolster its own “military-industrial complex?”)

Consider: Since China and Iran are in bed together, and since Iran has its forces in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza, what can Israel expect?

Israel should expect Chinese intelligence, a/k/a spies, to provide Iran and its proxies on Israeli defense plans, including available and “in-the-works” weapons, weapons and troop placement, and possibly plans to counter an almost certain attack from Iran and its proxies.

Buying Tnuva is one (unfortunate) thing; taking control of Haifa and Ashdod ports is another, and far more serious.

As long as China is doing business with Israel’s enemies, it should NOT be doing business in Israel.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

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