Thursday, October 3, 2019


nazis taunt Jews
on Rosh HaShana
In German city

A DRY BONES CARTOON (below) sent me scouring the WWW for confirmation that national socialism is alive and well in parts of Germany.

On Rosh HaShana, neo-nazis marched through the German city of Dortmund, waving flags of the nazi Third Reich, chanting "Palestine help us, Israel still exists" and "Israel no more" (Dry Bones for 10/3/2019 @ )

An aside I cannot bring myself to capitalize the “n” in nazi. These people and their hate-laden philosophy are beneath contempt.

UNFORTUNATELY, the Dry Bones cartoon was politically accurate.
I surfed the web and found at least five articles on the presence of nazis in Germany.

   German Neo-nazi Party Demands Addresses of All Jews in Dortmund (
   Neo-nazi protestors in Germany call for Palestinian help against Israel (

   Neo-nazis wave Palestinian flags in protest against Israel (

   Hundreds of neo-nazis chant anti-Semitic slogans in Dortmund, Germany (

   A Neo-nazi’s Political Rise Exposes a German City’s Ethnic Tensions (

Most of the publications failed to make the Rosh HaShana connection.

Sadly, a resurgence of national socialism is not limited to Germany.

In other countries, notably France, anti-Semitism is coupled with xenophobia brought about by the Muslim “refugee” influx and sharia law trumping French law.

On a less physically threatening level, xenophobia — the fear of anything “different” — is behind the recent spate of anti-shechitah laws (that also generally apply to observant Muslim slaughter practices).1

The Dortmund Germany exhibition of stupidity and hate is the first time this scrivener has heard about a call for “help from the ‘Palestinians’.” The so-called “Palestinians” cannot even help each other (PLO-controlled areas vs. Hamas/Islamic Brotherhood in Gaza), not can it pay it’s bills despite massive and continuing cash input from fellow-Muslim states and the UN.

Dortmund is hardly the only place where nazis apparently run free.

The World Socialist Web Site ( reported On Friday evening, several hundred neo-nazis marched through a residential area in the working-class German city of Dortmund.
That same day, radical right-wingers once again marched through the city in Chemnitz. According to media reports, followers of the “Pro Chemnitz” alliance attacked the offices of the Left Party,
On Saturday, in the Bavarian city of Bamberg, a so-called “anchor centre” for refugees was burnt down.
At the end of August, a dozen neo-nazis had attacked the Jewish restaurant “Shalom” in Chemnitz.

Yes, Virginia, there IS a difference between a “real” socialist and a “national socialist” (a/k/a nazi).

The World Socialists contend that the German government is the cause of the current unrest. 85 years after the seizure of power by the nazis and the subsequent fascist terror in Europe, which cost the lives of 6 million Jews—nazi gangs are again marching through the streets and chanting anti-Semitic slogans under the eyes of the police is the product of the policy of the German government. The grand coalition of the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) and Social Democrats (SPD) is responsible for the return of the nazi hordes. The nazis managed to murder hundreds of socialists along with anyone else who opposed/might oppose their philosophy or who was physically or mentally unable to become cannon fodder for the reich.

According to the RIAS Berlin Commission, a federal organization that documents antisemitism in Germany, the police officers who escorted the neo-nazis (in Dortmund) didn’t see fit to dismantle the rally (

That may have been the best option and was similar to the police inaction when American nazis marched in Skokie IL with the blessing of the U.S. and Illinois supreme courts.2 Violence was avoided, although citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, were offended.




עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on nazis