Thursday, August 8, 2019


Bring your gun
To the minyan

IT IS A “SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS” when people feel they must bring guns into places of worship.

The U.S. is truly in “a sad state of affairs.”

I WAS VISITING MY SON, the police detective, the other day.

He had a visit from a neighbor, a police sergeant and my son ‘s mentor.

The sergeant is Greek Orthodox, not uncommon where my son lives.

I mentioned that members of my minyan are considering carrying concealed weapons to prayers.

His response: I always carry (a concealed weapon) to church.

In my area we have lots of (Jewish) congregations — Sefardi, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and “other.”

Recently there have been shootings in front of synagogues and of obvious Jews walking to minyan or just standing outside the “shul.” The local police “show the flag” for a few days and then the incident is often forgotten (except by the survivors).

We have a eruv where I live so carrying is permitted.

Some of us have concealed weapons licenses.

All of us know
If someone comes to kill you, kill him first1 and
“I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse — therefore choose life!” 2
so even sans the eruv carrying a weapon along with a tallit could arguably be “mutar” (permitted) by most rabbis.

None of the people who join me at minyan are blood thirsty; we really don’t WANT to use a gun.

Carrying a weapon — on a normal day or a Shabat or holy day — makes a lot of demands, both financial and time consuming.

Time consuming Shooters need to be proficient with their weapons. That means time at the range. No one wants a stray bullet to injure an innocent bystander.

Expense Cartridges, right — “bullets” are at the tip of the cartridge that is filled with propellant (gun powder) — are not free, even for people who load their own. (We don’t.)

My policeman son routinely fires 100 or more rounds during a proficiency practice. (Fortunately for him, his department pays for the ammunition.)


Above image for 50 rounds from one dealer for one brand on one day; everything is “subject to change.”


Range time also comes at a (per person/hour) price.

Range time is CRITICAL. No one wants a bullet to hit anything but the target.

Paper targets are the least expensive investment.

Safety glasses and ear protection — demanded at better ranges and just good sense otherwise — are one-time purchases; while not inexpensive, they can last a long time.

Then there is the concealed carry license.

In my state applicants must prove they have shooting experience. That can be military service. Another option is to take a state-approved course. Course fees range from less than US$50 to more than US$100.

The initial fee for a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) License is $102 which includes a $42 fingerprint processing fee and a $60 initial license fee. Renewals cost $50.3

Even with all the time at the range, there is no way anyone will know if they will shoot when there is a threat on their or others lives. Still, with multiple people carrying, there is a better chance that someone will shoot.

My son reminded me when funding my CCW license that it takes awhile for the police to respond to a call; during that time, he said, “you’re on your own.”

I would rather not carry a sidearm, but as my son told me, until the police arrive, I’m on my own.

There are strict laws about firing a gun in public; laws by which I must abide if I don’t want to be a guest at the local “crossbar hotel.” I know those laws and intend to obey them.

I hope I never have even to display the weapon, let alone use it. But “until the cops arrive,” I know I have the option.


1. Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 72:1, cited at

2. Deuteronomy 29.:9-30:20, cited at


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