Thursday, June 13, 2019


The problem
With war:

CALL THEM “COLLATERAL DAMAGE” OR “innocent bystanders.” Mostly they are NOT combatants. This does not apply to terrorists who wear no military garb, much like the “Black Pajama” fighters in Vietnam or the terrorists in the PLO and Gaza hiding behind true civilians. The problem with almost any war there are “civilian casualties.”

If the U.S. responds to Iranian of Chinese provocation, e.g., attacking ships in international waterways, if all-out war is declared, thousands of civilians will die.

Likewise, if Israel is attacked en masse by Hezbollah, the PLO, or Hamas, it will respond in a manner to prevent more attacks. True, the UN and other leftists will rail about “proportional response” suggesting that for every attacker killed, at least one Israeli should die. That, of course, is unacceptable for the Israelis.


During World War 2, the nazis bombed English cities to convince the islanders to join with Lord Haw-Haw and Gandhi in allowing the nazis to take over the island.

In return, the English fire-bombed Dresden, killing whomever was in the bombs’ — and resulting fires’ — area of destruction.

During the same war, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan with horrific results; hundreds of Japanese instantly died, and thousands more suffered, but the bombings DID end the war in the Pacific. The Japanese chose to ignore the warnings dropped from planes passing over the island.

In both cases, civilians paid the price for their government’s actions.


The leaders of Iran and its proxies — Hezbollah, the PLO, and Hamas — promise to kill all Israelis. Never mind if the Israeli is a Muslim, a Jew, or something else.

Israel, despite protests from the UN and leftists, will defend itself.

The best defense? A good offense.

Israel has weapons.

What the world has seen to date are primarily defensive weapons.

It sometimes exercises its air force.

It is known to have several missile-launching submersibles. It has a pretty good navy with “over-the-horizon” capability. It might not be able to take on the U.S., Chinese, or Russian navies, but Iran is none of those.

Unlike soldiers with rifles, bombs and missiles are non-selective in their targets. True, there ARE “smart” bombs and missiles that can hit a specific building — or even a car on the road — but depending on the damage inflicted on Israel by the attackers, Israel may need to forego “pin-point accuracy” in favor of mass destruction.


It is my understanding, from various media reports, that there are people in Iran, in Lebanon, in the PLO territories, and in Gaza, who would like to overthrow their masters.

There were Poles in Poland during WW 2 that hated the nazis for invading Poland. They fought the nazis with guerrilla tactics. In some cases, a few Poles even helped Jews or absorbed them into their units. (This scrivener knew one.) The Nordic countries also had their guerrilla units.

Unoccupied countries such as the U.S. and the English smuggled weapons to the partisans.

Perhaps Israel and Egypt — no friend of Hamas and Islamic Brotherhood — might do the same. There might even be more support from other Muslim states, e.g., Saudia, currently under attack by Iran’s proxy in Yemen. I consider Jordan unable to do anything that might upset Iran since it is largely populated by “Palestinians” that have proven to be, and remain a threat to the royal house. It would take a U.S. to provide succor to Iranians who are willing to try and overthrow the ayatollahs. (If the Democrats take over the presidency and both houses of Congress, any U.S. support for Iranian dissidents will go away.)

IF IRAN or its proxies attack Israel “to wipe if off the map,” civilians by the thousands will die. There will be civilian deaths in Israel, but there will be many more where the attacks originated.

When the Democrats controlled the White House and Congress — the FDR years — the U.S. turned a blind eye to the atrocities in Europe.

When Obama and the Democrats controlled America, Israel’s enemies had staunch support in Washington.

Unless there is a Harry S Truman-type personality in the Democrat party, the party’s return to power in the U.S. will see the return of the FDR and Obama eras: “See no evil, Hear no evil, and pretend there are no threats to an ally.”


A war between Israel and Iran and its proxies will not be “a war to end all wars..” It WILL be a war that will destroy generations; thousands of non-combatants will die on all sides.

Israel probably will prevail, but at a cost.

What really is stupid is that if Iran and its proxies had any sense, they would rush to make peace with Israel so their people could enjoy the advances coming from Israel.

The next war will be blamed on the “Palestinians issue.”

Time and time again the “issue” could have been resolved in the PLO’s favor, but each time, the PLO refused to compromise on its demand that Israel disappear.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

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