Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Of cease fires
And other lies

HAMAS, while denying it had anything to do with the several missiles recently fired toward Tel Aviv, was quick to run to Egypt and beg the Egyptians to arrange a cease fire with Israel.

Once again, the current Israeli Prime Minister caved and a cease fire was ordered.


Above: Drybones cartoon

IT IS INTERESTING how Hamas cons the current Prime Minister into a cease fire after it (Hamas) tries to slaughter Israelis indiscriminately.

The last time Hamas pulled the wool over the PM’s already shut eyes it even admitted the cease fire was only for a short time — until it could restock its Iranian missile arsenal.

The “blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other” PM agreed to the convenient-for-Hamas cease fire.

And Israelis were shelled again.

Hamas, according to most in the know, has absolute control of Gaza. The PLO in Ramallah has no say even though it transfers funds to Hamas.

MEANWHILE, Hamas intends to send civilians to the border with Israel to launch balloon and kite bombs.


I FIND IT “FUNNY,” albeit not “ha-ha funny,” that Hamas does not send people to the border with Egypt. I believe Egypt cleared the area near its fence with Hamas so balloon and kite bombs would fall harmlessly on vacated land. (The wind also plays a role in the bombs’ flights.)

While both Egypt and Israel close their borders to Hamas, the media ignores the former and blames Israel for Hamas’ aggressive behavior.

It must be admitted that Hamas does allow a few of is resident prisoners to visit Israel for medical treatment; another things the media is loathe to report.

The problems for the Israelis are two:
1. There are people in Gaza who would like to see Hamas deposed; these people are not (necessarily) Israel-haters.
2. Gaza is ungovernable; if Hamas is eliminated, there will be an administrative vacuum that the PLO will try to fill. Israel will not make the mistake of occupying Gaza again.

In the first instance, more or less “innocent” Gazans would die if Israel decided to “carpet bomb” the strip, a concept easily within Israel’s capability. Israel, no matter how “right wing” the government, would not even contemplate such an action.

The bottom lines are:
a. Israel must find a Muslim state (Egypt, Jordan as examples) willing to assume control of Gaza, then
b. Israel needs to eliminate Hamas and associated terror groups; to cut out the cancer that plagues Gaza.

Begin, in his negotiations with Sadat, tried to give Gaza (back) to Egypt. Sadat was smart enough to refuse Begin’s “offer.”


MEANWHILE, sundry “news media” claim that Egypt’s President Al-Sisi has told the tyrants of Gaza that if Israel decides to remove them, Egypt will not interfere in any way.

“Not interfere,” but not assume control of the strip, either. Like Anwar Sadat before him, Al-Sisi is nobody’s fool when it comes to governing Gaza. I doubt his hesitancy is fear of the PLO, but perhaps in consideration of Jordan’s king, whose control of Jordan already is on shaky ground with his own PLO fifth column.

It is amusing that a peace agreement between two old terrorists — Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin (below) — should be so solid and beneficial to both countries.


Two old terrorists: Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin


By contrast, the agreement between Jordan’s then-Prime Minister Abdelsalam al-Majali and then Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin seems less solid. Rabin is infamous for shooting at Jews on the ship Altalena (under Ben Gurion’s orders — . see http://tinyurl.com/y25ys3gq )

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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