Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dear Liberal Democrats

PA, not Israel
Is prime example

LIBERAL DEMOCRATS AND MANY NON-OBSERVANT JEWS scream that Israel is an “apartheid” country.

Never mind that there are Arabs in government, on the Supreme Court, in the police; basically everywhere in Israeli society. Druze and Bedouins have been part of the IDF since the state’s founding.1

Arabs can live anyplace. As with most people, many Arabs prefer to live in areas with predominately Arab populations. Human nature.

HOWEVER, THE LIBERALS don’t have to go far to see a REAL “apartheid” government. Just travel to the Palestinian Authority territories.

There is it against the law to sell property to a Jew.

According to World Israel News2, obviously a lying Israeli mouthpiece,
Israel’s security forces earlier this week arrested two Palestinian officials in connection with the kidnapping of an Arab who was charged with the offense of helping to sell an Arab-owned house to Jews, a capital offense in the Palestinian Authority (PA).

In court, Adnan Jit, the PA governor of the Jerusalem area, expressed support for the PA prescribed death penalty for Arabs who sell lands to Jews. His lawyer claimed that he was only quoting a Fatwa, an Islamic decree, on the matter.

On the other hand, ynet news3,headlined on 7 December 2010, that 50 municipal rabbis: Don't rent flats to Arabs According to the rabbis, Leasing land to non-Jews is blasphemous, anyone violating ban may be ostracized, rabbis say.

The difference is the the PA government considers selling land to a Jew a crime punishable by execution; while a Jew who leases land to an Arab faces only herem (censure and shunning) by the rabbis. There is no threat of criminal prosecution by the State.

Dictionary.com4 defies “apartheid” as any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc. Neither it nor Merriam-Webster5 restrict it to government, although comparing Arabs in Israel to Jews in the PA, it is obvious to all but the most close-minded that it is the PA, not Israel, that has the apartheid government.

If Israel forced Arabs into ghettos and limited their mobility, THEN there might be a basis to claim that Israel is an apartheid state. That is not the case.

The ONLY people who claim Israel is an apartheid state are those who have zero first hand experience in Israel; who make up their minds based on tales of anti-Semites, people who hate Israel just because “it is.”

Love for “Palestinians?” Unlikely.

The “Palestinians” are the liberals cause célèbre du jour. Tomorrow who knows under what banner they will march.







PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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