Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Border closed
To fleeing Syrians:
Where can they go?

From Israel HaYom, 6/19/18

Israel delivers tons of aid as Syrians flee for border

Israel braces for border breach as tens of thousands of Syrians flee Assad onslaught and head for Jordan, Israel borders • IDF says will not allow Syrians to enter Israel • IDF transports tons of food, supplies and medication to Syrian refugee tent camps.

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NEWS REPORTS1 CLAIM THAT JORDAN has closed its border to Syrians fleeing from the fighting in their country.

The Blue Bonnets (UN “peacekeepers”) are, as usual, not to be found.

Where can the refugees go?

Jordan is already hosting about 660,000 registered Syrian refugees and estimates that the number of displaced Syrians in the country is twice as high.

The report claims that Since last Tuesday, Syrian troops have targeted rebel-held areas in eastern Daraa, one of the country’s last major rebel strongholds. The strategic area was part of a truce deal reached last July between the United States, Russia and Jordan.

The offensive’s goal appears to be regaining control of the border crossing with Jordan, which has been in rebel hands since 2015. President Bashar Assad’s recent military victories, including the capture of Damascus suburbs and southern neighborhoods, have propelled the push.

While Israel has provided a number of Syrians with medical care, it cannot be expected to welcome people from a regime that has several times tried to wipe it off the face of the earth.

On the other hand, Jordan has reached a saturation point.

What can be done?


The map, below, shows Jordan’s geographical location vis-a-vis Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

Israel has vast experience in relocating large masses of people. If tiny Israel can manage to transport thousands of refugees, Jordan could apply Israel’s “lesson’s learned.”

Saudi Arabia is a huge country with an abundance of open spaces.

It could be Jordan’s first choice in relocating refugees currently in Jordan.

Since Iran is in bed with Syria’s tyrant, and since Saudi Arabia is not a friend of Iran, it should be willing to accept Syrian refugees from Jordan; thereby freeing up more space in Jordan for new Syrian arrivals.

Iraq is not feasible since it is an Iranian proxy.

Turkey is in turmoil.

Lebanon, controlled by Hezbollah, is in truth part of Syria.

Egypt has space in the Sinai, but that area is largely the playground for Muslim extremists.

Gaza cannot support its own population and it is unlikely that Israel would allow an influx of unvetted Syrians into Gaza.


On 14 December 2017, members of the “Troika” countries (Norway, the United States and the United Kingdom) described the situation in South Sudan as "intolerable".2

The Troika, in a joint statement, welcomed the revitalization forum of the 2015 peace deal, describing the forum as a unique and critical opportunity to make progress towards peace between warring political factions and tribal groups in South Sudan.

The humanitarian, economic, security, human rights and political situation continues to deteriorate with devastating consequences for the ordinary people of South Sudan, it said.

The “Sudanese Option” is not an option.

Yemen, Oman, and even the UAE are not suitable destinations for Syrian refugees.

Europe already is saturated with Muslim refugees.

The bottom line is that the refugees – and Jordan – have only two viable options to relieve the strain of hosting Syrian refugees: Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The Blue Bonnets supposedly are setting up refugee camps in Jordan (a la the permanent “Palestinian” camps that have been home to several generations of “refugees”).

They could as easily set up camps in Saudi Arabia and Egypt’s Sinai – assuming the countries would be willing to host the overflow from Jordan.

Meanwhile the UN member nations, in particular Arab states, could tax themselves to support the camps in Jordan and elsewhere. (Jordan, by many accounts, almost is broke and the natives – mostly “Palestinians,” – are getting restless.)

Jordan should be a temporary stop on the refugee transit.

Once in Jordan, the refugees could receive immediate succor – food, clothing, medical care – and then moved to a final destination (until the Syrian civil war ends).

Unlike Israel, no country will be expected to absorb the refugees; they need to know that when the shooting stops, they will be returned to Syria and whatever government exists.

Jordan needs help.

The help can come initially from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Perhaps other Muslim countries in the area can accept refugees on a temporary basis, but Saudi Arabia and Egypt are the nearest options.




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