Monday, May 15, 2017


Is Trump about
To renege
On Jerusalem?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP has “rethought” — reneged on — several campaign promises and hurried to fulfill one (replacing Obamacare) with a plan that makes Obamacare look good — fortunately wiser heads in the Senate have so far (as this is keyed) prevented the replacement plan’s implementation.

Between POTUS’* changes of heart, the courts, Hillary’s henchmen still hitting the streets in “spontaneous” demonstrations, and “fake news” from biased “reporters” and talking heads, many of the campaign promises are disappearing like smoke in a hurricane.

Now Trump is on his way to kow-tow to America’s Muslim allies, such as Saudi Arabia that had a dirty hand in 9-11 (2001), then to Vatican City to meet the pope, and finally to Israel to meet with its politicians — $5 will get you $10 that the meetings will NOT take place in Jerusalem.

Never mind than an Egyptian president — Anwar al-Sadat — met with the late Menachim Begin in Jerusalem in 1977 and Jordan’s King Hussein met with Netanyahu and David Levy in Jerusalem on March 16, 1997.**

To win the observant Jewish vote (Hillary had the non-observant, leftist Jewish vote in her pocket) Trump repeatedly promised to all who would listen that on his first day in office he would (among other first day promises) order the U.S. embassy moved from Tel Aviv to the Israeli capital, Jerusalem.

Now, slightly more than 100 days into his presidency, he apparently is about to renege on (yet another) campaign promise.

He would not be the first U.S. president to promise to move the embassy to the nation’s capital, nor will he be the first to renege, bowing to the notoriously anti-Israel (and anti-Semitic) U.S. State Department. However, Trump made more of the move than any of his predecessors — or perhaps media coverage was better during the last campaign.

Trump is being told by his pro-Muslim supporters (read State Department) that moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be counter-productive to any “peace” negations between Israel and its enemies in the PA and Gaza.


First, the location of the embassy NEVER has been an issue, even though president after president has promised to move the embassy to Israel’s capital.

Second, having the embassy in Jerusalem will make it easier for the Arabs in the PA to get visas to come to the U.S.; Jerusalem is closer to the PA area than Tel Aviv — less expensive to access, too.

    If Trump wants to encourage visitors from Gaza and the PA to visit the U.S., let him authorize State to open consulates in Ramallah and Gaza City. Despite “Palestinian” belief, neither the PA nor Gaza is a country.

It’s sad that a candidate who repeatedly made so many promises seems not only unable to keep them but unwilling to keep them.

I would be delighted if this rant proves inaccurate. The next few weeks will tell.

* POTUS: President Of The United States

** I stood on my balcony in Holon and watched as Sadat’s plane, alone in the air, approached the airport. Beautiful sight.


PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.