Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Still more on tefillin

Counting to seven


When a Jewish man wraps his hand tefillin he wraps the strap (רצועה) seven complete turns.

Judaism seems to discourage counting anything "by the numbers." Instead, phrases containing the exact number of words are used in lieu of numbers.

For the seven complete turns of the hand tefillin strap, the sedur אבותנו suggests reciting

 1: תורה

 2: ציוה

 3: לנו

 4: משה

 5: מורשה

 6: קהילת

 7: יעקב

Some prefer to use the last (of three) stanza of the cohanic blessing:

 1: ישא

 2: ''

 31: פניו

 4: אליך

 5: וישם

 6: לך

 7: שלום

Counting the number of men to make a minyan is prohibited. But, there are several word options.

If you like to eat, and who doesn't, consider counting using the blessing for bread, המוציא, to count up to 10:

 1: ברוך

 2: אתה

 3: ''

 4: אלוהנו

 5: מלק

 6: העולם

 7: המוציא

 8: לחם

 9: מין

 10: הארץ

Since that is a frequently said phrase, it's relatively easy to remember.

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