Sunday, July 20, 2014




Headline in Arutz Sheva for July 20, 2014: Livni Asks: 'Why Destroy Tunnels Before They Were Used?

A synopsis of the article reads: Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (HaTnua) explained over the weekend why she agreed to a ceasefire - even though the IDF had not yet managed to destroy the Hamas tunnels network.

This is the Member of Knesset who repeatedly meets with PA officials in Europe despite being told not to do so by the prime minister. Netanyahu fires deputy defense minister Danny Danon, a member of Netanyahu's own Likud party, for publicly disagreeing with him, but he keeps one who thumbs her nose at his political decision. Only in Israel.

When asked by a tv personality how it developed that the government basically agreed to a ceasefire on Tuesday, while on Thursday it suddenly "remembered" that "the tunnels are a strategic problem that must be urgently taken care of" Livni answered, "First of all, in truth the tunnels aren't something new…. There is a difference between a problem that still hasn't taken place and you still don't see it inside the territory of the State of Israel, [and between] that infiltration [from the tunnel] at Sufah that basically meant that it's not only a tunnel, but that Hamas continues and intends to use them inside Israel against the citizens of Israel."

It was Livni's veto last week that delayed the ground operation into Gaza for two full days.

The article continues by noting that In actuality, Livni overlooked the fact that the tunnels had been used successfully in the past against Israel. It happened in June 2006, when Hamas tunneled under an IDF outpost, killed two soldiers, and abducted Gilad Shalit back into Gaza. Hamas held him hostage for more than five years, until Israel released over 1,000 terrorists to secure his release.

In my professional life I am a risk management practitioner, and in a former life I was in the U.S. military. As I read Livni's remarks I have to wonder is this person has eyes to see and a brain to think.

Only the most isolated hermit lacks knowledge that Hamas builds tunnels for a purpose - either to import restricted goods and contraband from Egypt - which, to its credit, has demolished many tunnels - or to infiltrate Israel to kill or capture Israelis.

Yet this person is not only a member of the Israeli government (Member of Knesset) she also is Netanyahu's Justice Minister and the person he has appointed to work with the Palestinian Authority to achieve a two-state peace deal - never mind that the PA, now in bed with Hamas, still has as its primary goal the destruction of Israel and the making of Palestine a "Jewish-free country. (Even the Muslim in the White House and his lackey Kerry can't get Abu Mazen to give up that raison d'etre.)

Still, when the "apartheid" state of Israel has seven (7) Arab members, most of them Muslim, with at least two, Hanin Zoabi of the National Democratic Assembly and Dr. Ahmad Tibi of the Ra`am-Ta`al-Mada list, who outrageously condemn Israel for daring to exist. (Yet it is interesting to learn that according to her Knesset page, Ms. Zoabi has a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from Haifa University and an M.A. in Communications and Media, from Hebrew University in Jerusalem.)

Given the prime minister's actions and those of his Justice Minister, it is a wonder Israel's military and do more than play soldier, let alone conduct attacks against enemies using tunnels that - according to Livni - had not been used before. (Why did she think Hamas built them?)

Only in Israel.