Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nero returns

Nero returns

Will Israel burn?


According to the New York Times (http://tinyurl.com/78bceqk), the incumbent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, that he "would not tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran and would act — with military force, if necessary — to prevent that from happening.

But he made it clear that he did not believe that a strike on Iran would serve the interests of either the United States or Israel. And he chided his Republican critics for, as he described it, putting politics ahead of American national security interests.

The Times also reported that "there is too much loose talk of war,” which I find strange when much of that talk comes out of mouths of his sycophants.

The denizen of D.C., nee' Chicago, has me wondering - is he more like Nero, the Roman cesar who allegedly fiddled while Rome burned or is he more like Neville Chamberlain who, upon his return to England from a visit to the ayatollah's ideological predecessor stated "There will be peace in our time." Lest anyone has forgotten their history of the world, Chamberlain's remark was made shortly after Britain reneged on its promises and World War II got underway in earnest.

Frankly, I don't know why AIPAC invited the man to speak. According to some polls, he already has the Jewish vote - at least the liberal, Hollywood vote.

In truth, Israel, and "net-an-ya-hoo" - for some reason the talking heads cannot or will not correctly pronounce the man's name (Neh-ten-ya-hu) - would be wise to plan to "go it alone."

I am a U.S. citizen and mostly proud of it. But I know that America sometimes promises things and then - like England before the war came to the island - reneges on the promise.

Ask the folks in Hungary.

Ask the folks in Czechoslovakia.

The U.S. State Department has never been a friend of Israel.

The executive branch is at best a "fair weather" friend of Israel - else why is the embassy still in Tel Aviv and not in Israel's capital as most other embassies? Congress voted to make the move, but the White House stymies the effort. In this case, it makes no difference who resides in the mansion, Republican or Democrat.

Sometimes it is difficult, but

הריני מקבל עלי מצוה עשה של ואהבת לרעך כמוך, והריני אוהב כל אחד מבני ישראל כנפשי ומאודי