Thursday, March 10, 2011

Purim thoughts
from ATorahMinute



The following two items are from ATorah Minute

When to give the half Sheqel

by Rabbi Ya'aqob Menashe

The giving of the Mahasith Hasheqel (charity in memory of the half Sheqel), is done on the eve of Purim, before the Minha prayer, i.e. during Ta'anith (the fast of) Esther. When Purim falls on Mosei Shabbath (Saturday night) Ta'anith Esther is, of course, brought forward to Thursday since we are not permitted to fast on Shabbath.

Even when Purim falls on Mosei Shabbath and the fast is held on Thursday, the Mahasith Hasheqel is given on Thursday, before Minha, so that it can be connected with the fast. The reason is that giving charity when one is fasting is an atonement.

(See Rama 694:1. Kaf Hahayyim ibid, 25)


Giving priority to Mattanoth La-ebyonim

by Rabbi Ya'aqob Menashe

It is preferable for a person to increase the amount he gives as Mattanoth La-ebyonim (gifts for the poor) on Purim rather than to to increase the amount of Mishlowah Manoth he sends to his friends, or to add to his Se'uddath Purim (festive meal). The reason is that there is no greater or more glorious happiness than when one gladdens the hearts of the poor, orphans, widows and converts, because one who gladdens the hearts of the unfortunate is likened to the Shekhinah (G-d's holy presence).

This is because even though G-d dwells in high places He is also with the one who is of lowly spirit, as it says in Yeshayahu (57:15), "to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the hearts of the oppressed".

(See Kaf Hahayyim 694:5)

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