Monday, July 26, 2010

Instant rejection


I applied for a business continuity job with a bank with headquarters in Charlotte NC. I won't identify the bank other than to say it is not a unit of Wells-Fargo.

I applied for the job via the Web on Sunday afternoon.

My TNT (Thanks [but] No Thanks) notice was sent on Monday at 9:34 a.m.

I somehow doubt that the bank's HR folks work on Sunday and I suspect most don't show up for work on Monday - or if they do, then "get to work" - until at least 9 a.m.

I also suspect there were lots of applications to wade through.

So how is it that my application was tossed out so early in the game?

I did qualify for the job - I don't respond to advertisements for which I lack qualification. Heck, I've even got bank-related experience and a competing bank's VP of business continuity as a reference.

I'm left wondering if maybe the advertisement wasn't a "CYA" posting. I suspect the bank has a rule to give preference to in-place personnel (no argument with that) but that it has to advertise the job "to the world" for appearance's sake.

I happen to do business with this bank. I think that will change to "I happened (past tense) to do business with this bank."

I have no problem with giving internal folks first dibs on a job, especially if they are qualified; but in this day of job scarcity, advertising a job that isn't there seems a tad tacky.

Still, as they say, יהיה טוב

Comments are welcome in English and Hebrew; all others will be automatically deleted.

Yohanon Glenn
Yohanon.Glenn at gmail dot com

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