Tuesday, December 15, 2009



The following is excerpted from an AP article picked up by Yahoo.

Headline: Israel: British arrest warrant threatens ties


By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer

Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni was targeted for her role in last winter's brutal offensive against Hamas in Gaza, when she was foreign minister.

Livni, a one-time lead negotiator with the Palestinians, enjoys a dovish reputation in much of the West. But as foreign minister, she staunchly defended Israel's devastating military offensive in Gaza.

Her support for that operation, launched to end years of rocket fire by Gaza militants against Israel, has remained strong, despite widespread international criticism and allegations of war crimes due to the hundreds of civilian casualties.

Well, Ms Teibel at least noted - almost as an after thought - that the "devastating military offensive" was "launched to end years of rocket fire by Gaza militants."

There is some debate about the number of casualties in Aza - and no mention of Israeli civilian casualties prior to Israel's "brutal offensive."

This is "colored with a pastel paint" journalism; not blatantly yellow but one-sided and incomplete.


Yohanon Glenn
Yohanon.Glenn at gmail.com


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