Friday, November 15, 2019


What is “Progressive”
About “Progressives”?

IF CALIFORNIA IS an example of a “progressive state” and the likes of Ilhan Omar and Linda Sorsour are “progressives” then this scrivener is NOT a “progressive.”

I thought ”progressive” meant moving forward — making progress, in this case improving life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I obviously was wrong.

Can someone please explain to me what is “Progressive” about Progressives. They seem more REgressive.

California is an example of Progressive-ism where people can, I’m told, defecate wherever – including anyone’s yard (dogs do that; are THEY “progressives?”).

Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour are progressives, but per Bernie Sanders, progressives are never anti-Semites.

Yet Omar by all accounts IS an anti-Semite as she has proved again and again.1

Yaakov Kirschen’s Dry Bones cartoon for 11/15/2019 citing Washington Examiner article2 ( )

I agree with Sanders that criticism of Israel or Jews as a generality is not (necessarily) anti-Semitism – as a Jew with an Israeli passport, I often criticize Israel and especially its political leadership – left, right, and center. Does that make me either anti-Semitic or anti-Israel? I hope not. Although my hair is “thinning” (I have less hair to comb and more face to wash) I am not a “skin head” nor am I a “white supremacist.”

I never claimed to be a “Zionist,” a person this scrivener defines as “someone who views Israel through rose-colored glasses.” Israel is not perfect (nor is the U.S. where I also have citizenship).

It seems to me that the “progressives” are the flip side of “white supremacists”; “My way or the highway.”

Neither shows any tolerance for disparate opinions.

If, as a “progressive,” I refuse to hear differing opinions, how can progress be made?

If “progressives” allow, as an example, freedom to defecate on lawns, how close are they to “progressing” to anachy?

Is it “progressive” to be PRO-LGBTQ and ANTI-Jewish; is it “progressive” to be PRO-”Palestine” and ANTI-Israel; is it “progressive” to condemn Israel and the U.S. — countries that allow dissent — and not condemn countries that kill dissenters, e.g., Iran, North Korea, China?

Yet this is the “progressive’s” position.

My way or the highway.

Is it “progressive” to take military aid dollars from Israel — dollars with a string attached that demands Israel “Buy American” with the money — and divert some of it to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza where, based on its history, the funds will be used to build tunnels into Israel and Egypt, to build mansions for the leadership rather than housing for the general population? Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria aleady received substantial aid from Iran.

Basically, that is what a leading “progresive” — Sanders — is proposing. (Another “progressive,” Obama, gave a few millions to the PLO on his last day in office. What did it buy? More attacks in Israeli civilians and payments to those who murdered Israelis and were imprisioned.)

Bottom line: “Progressive-ism” as it stands today really is “pre-anarchy.”

It used to be (c 1970) that “progressives” hung out mostly in Berekley and San Francisco. Now it seems California-wide (with the possible exception of true northern California — north of Sacramento).

As “prtogressives” gain control of Congress, viz “The Squad” and friends, the nation, too, will head toward hatred of anyone who is different in thought or religion or heritage, and anarchy. Democracy has no place in the lives of “progressives.”


1. Omar:

2. Washington Examiner:

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