Wednesday, November 27, 2019


UN has got
To be kidding

UN chief blasts Hezbollah for impeding work of Lebanon-based peacekeeping force

followed by António Guterres (right) calls on Lebanon's government to disarm Hezbollah, saying it posed a threat to the peacekeeping mission stationed on the Israel-Lebanon border.

The UN’s Blue Bonnets repeatedly have proven to be ineffective. When told to clear the area by a war-monger (as Egypt was when it prepared to attack Israel), it runs and hides.

This behavior is typical of UN operations, ergo Hamas using UN facilities as rocket launching sites and munitions storage areas.

The Blue Bonnets are boys playing soldiers; they are not capable of pushing out Hezbollah, and Lebanon has no effective army of its own to chase out the defacto army of Lebanon: Hezbollah.

Since the Blue Bonnets are ill-equipped to do what Lebanon’s citizens cannot accomplish, what Guterres is in truth suggesting is that foreign forces remove Hezbollah from the Levant — Lebanon and Syria.

The question is: WHAT “foreign forces”?

Would Saudia dare send in troops? It already is battling Iran’s Yemen proxy. Would the kingdom be willing to open a second front with Lebanon and Syria and face a direct attack from Iran?

Iraq is in Iran’s grasp and would align with, not against Hezbollah.

Egypt? Jordan? Both countries currently have internal issues; Egypt with Iran-backed Islamic Jihad and Hamas, Jordan with PLO agitation that threatens the monarchy.

A coalition of Gulf states might be cobbled together, but are these states’ militaries capable of ousting Iran-backed Hezbollah?

Morocco, Libya, Algiers might, as part of Arab League, be able to push out Hezbollah, but what price would be paid at home?

Muslim-dominated African states could send troops, but (a) would they be effective, (b) would the states suffer at home by Iran sympathizers, and (c) who would fund and equip the troops.

That leaves Europe and the Far East — China. Israel is NOT a candidate to attack Hezbollah except in retaliation.

North Americans are tired of foreign wars; the U.S. still is engaged in Afghanistan.

Would either U.S. political party dare promote participation in a UN-sponsored exercise. (The last one was Korea, and that still is unresolved, despite President Trump’s best efforts.)

The Israel HaYom site declares that United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday called on Lebanon's government to disarm Hezbollah, saying it posed a threat to the peacekeeping mission stationed on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Established in 1978 to man a buffer zone between Israel and Lebanon, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon has long suffered at the hands of the Iran-backed terrorist group.

Hezbollah has clashed with UNIFIL troops several times over the years and has restricted their movements across southern Lebanon, a move that grossly undermines UNIFIL's mandate the on-line publication contends.

Why, then, is Guterres asking the Lebanese to accomplish something the UN is unable to accomplish.

The Lebanese Army is a shambles; it lacks the wherewithal to depose Hezbollah. It has been ineffective for years, which is how Hezbollah came to, and remains in, power in the Levant.

Guterres apparently lives in a dream world in New York. According to several on-line sites, Guterres, an engineer, has zero military experience and perhaps cannot recognize the imbalance of power between Iran’s Hezbollah and Lebanon’s puny army.

If the UN cannot defend itself from Iran’s Hezbollah, perhaps the UN should hire some mercenaries who can, and will, remove Hezbollah from Lebanon. Perhaps the Chinese would like to enhance their influence in the area at the expense of Russia and Iran.

But depending on the Lebanese Army to oust Iran’s Hezbollah is foolishness, an impossibility.


1. Israel HaYom:

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