Thursday, August 15, 2019


Trump, Netanyahu:
Not the sharpest
Crayons in the box

NETANYAHU IS, IMO, A TWO-FACED, opportunistic politician who would be King for Life. An Israeli “FDR.”

Trump, while I agree with much of what he does — his “tweets” often are abominable — I cannot understand at all with regard to Tlaib, Omar and Israel.

Trump and Netanyahu (No credit given at

I’m a dual national, and like many American Jews, I have kin in Israel. I am politically conservative.

Admittedly, the Powers That Be failed to ask me for my not-at-all-humble opinion, but if they had, I would have told them to welcome the Israel bashers.

Let them SEE the reality of Israel and let them SEE the reality in the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas.

Provide the visitors with Israeli Muslim escorts whenever they are in Israel. Take them to Muslim communities and let them talk to local Israeli Muslims. Take them to meet Druze. Let them talk to Israeli Muslims in the Army, on the Supreme Court, and even in the Knesset.

Escort them to the borders of the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas and turn them over to PLO and Hamas escorts. Let them (try) to see life in areas controlled by people who practice terrorism, apartheid, and misogyny as a way of life. Look at the mall in Gaza; compare the houses in the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas: look at how the leadership lives and also how the average person lives. NOW, compare that to the lifestyle of Muslims in Israel.

Why Netanyahu would, by fiat, deny the Israel bashers into Israel to SEE THE REALITY ON THE GROUND, other than to flatter Trump, is beyond my ken.

Why Trump should interfere in another country’s business likewise is unfathomable to me.

Maybe Trump wants to keep “The Squad” in the headlines; their outrageous behavior is one of the GOP’s best tools to keep control of the White House and Senate, and to regain control of the House.

Obama tried to influence Israeli elections (and failed).

That was enough interference from America to last for decades.

* * * * * * * *

Tlaib (left) and Omar (Photo Erin Scott for Reuters)
It's a small thing, but bothersome.

"The Squad"'s ignorance of Israel, the PLO, and Hamas.

The "Squad" claims Israel occupies Gaza.

According to multiple web sources — left, right, and center — Israel pulled out of Gaza on 15 August 2005, 14 years ago.

Does that mean members of "The Squad" are stupid, too stupid to read (or have reports read to them), too stupid to acknowledge history.

Maybe it means their constituents are stupid for electing such bigoted and ignorant people to federal office.

I suppose that Tel Aviv — a city built on the dunes by Jews, not Palestinians — is "occupied land."

If that's the case, then members of "The Squad" need to write bills to return occupied Indian lands held as part of the U.S.

The "Squad" rattles on and on about inequality of non-Jews in Israel, but ignores survey after survey by independent organizations that clearly show-ALL CITIZENS are equal in every way to Jews in Israel; which might explain why many Muslims prefer life in Israel to life in either PLO or Hamas-controlled areas.

"The Squad" talks about apartheid but ignores the apartheid in the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas; they talk about apartheid but ignore the Indian reservations in the U.S.

Israeli Muslims have full citizenship and the rights that go with it. They can live where they wish, pray (or not) as they wish, work wherever there is a demand for their skills, travel without restrictions, own businesses — just like Jews. Muslims are exempt from both military and national service, although they are encouraged to do national service.

Muslims from the PLO and Hamas-controlled areas are treated at Israeli hospitals without distinction or restriction. (PLO leaders send their kin to Israeli hospitals for the treatment unavailable in their own area.)

Muslims from the PLO areas once worked at Jewish owned companies such as SodaStream until BDSers such a Tlaib and Omar forced SodaStream to relocate, putting the PLO residents out of work.

They talk about the alleged cruelty of Jews against Muslims, but ignore U.S. history and subjects such as the Cherokee Trail of Tears1. They also ignore on-going pogroms against non-Muslims in Muslim-controlled countries (Somalia 2, Kenya 3 come to mind.) Never mind attacks by the PLO and Hamas on Israelis and visitors to Israel of all ages, colors, and religion. Tlaib and Omar will be protected during their stay in Israel by the very people they love to hate.

It IS true that many Israelis look with suspicion on Muslims, and why not?

Muslims from PLO and Hamas-controlled areas attack and kill Jews AND ARE PAID FOR IT by the PLO.

There are Jews with Muslim friends and co-workers.

There are Muslims in the Knesset, Israel's parliament.

There are Muslims in the Army.

There are Muslims sitting as judges on Israel's highest court.

Are there ANY Jews — even far leftist — in either the PLO or Hamas governments?

Are there ANY Jews who live as citizens in either PLO or Hamas-controlled areas?

Are there ANY Jews who own businesses or work in in either PLO or Hamas-controlled areas?

Not because they won't but because they are forbidden.



1. Tears:

2. Somalia:

3. Kenya:

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

Comments on Tlaib & Omar & Israel