Thursday, August 22, 2019


Meet The Squad:
Women who prove
They know nothing

EVEN IF YOU DEPEND ONLY ON LEFTIST media — and that is easy enough to do — almost every day there is a story about “The Squad” and how Israel is a horrible place for Muslims with an anti-Muslim government, police brutality, walls, apartheid, and whatever other lie the women can conjure up.

The “Squad” (L to R) AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib

IT SEEMS THAT none of the “journalists” of the left bother to ask if any of “The Squad” — or their Democrat supporters — have ever BEEN to Israel or either the PLO or Hamas-occupied areas. I know some in congress HAVE been to Israel on a junket paid for by AIPAC. (Was that legal? They DID interview Israeli and PLO officials — why no Hamas leaders? — so perhaps it all was, excuse the expression, “kosher.”)

Israel bashing and Jew bashing is their forte’ and they do it well. The press hangs on, and reports sans challenge, every word.

President Trump and his puppet — or maybe stooge — Benjamin Netanyahu give the women plenty of verbal ammunition. Trump with his tweets and unscripted speeches and Netanyahu who flips and flops more than a fish freshly out of the water.


I am a dual-national who voted for Trump and I am a solid Beginite.


I could, but I won’t, create a blog entry everyday commenting on “The Squad’s” antics du jour and their fellow congress people — are they REALLY “Representatives” of the people? — who rush to follow their lead or to apologize for their behavior and ignorance.

Frankly I’m tired of writing about ignorant people. I am tired of trying to “keep up” with the Democrats’ stupidity.

Perhaps, as I heard one wag suggest, it’s all a plan by Trump to assure his re-election. The more “The Squad” rants and raves, and the more the Democrats either praise them or fail to chastise them, the more American voters MAY realize the Democrats have fallen off the left side, albeit it is not a “given.”

I remain confused.

How is bashing an ally (Israel) and being blatantly anti-Semitic “progressive.” If anything, that seems REgressive.

What I find of particular interest is that when Obama did what Trump is trying to do, the Democrats and the media were silent.

When the Democrats’ tin god with feet of clay, FDR, sent Jewish refugees from nazi murderers back to their deaths, no one said anything. When FDR, by executive order, forced U.S. citizens into concentration camps, few people complained and the media were silent.

“The Squad” puts me in mind of “Chicken Little” who cried “The Sky is Falling” or the “Little Boy who cried Wolf” too many times. Unlike “Chicken Little” of the boy, the sky is not falling and the wolves are at bay. We need to believe as the characters who heard the bird and the boy and ignore "The Squad” and their ilk.

They are ignorant and, through their stupidity, liars.

And they seem to be leading the Democrat leadership.

When will it end?

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

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