Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Will Palestinians
Rush to accept
Israel citizenship?

IF GIVEN THE CHOICE — AND IF ALLOWED TO CHOOSE, will Arabs in “Area C” prefer to live under PLO rule or as Israeli citizens?

ACCORDING TO Arutz Sheva (a/k/a Israel National News),1, Justice Minister Shaked says she's willing to give Area C Arabs Israeli citizenship in exchange for applying Israeli law to the area.


Map of “West Bank” per Oslo II Accords @


Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (right) of the New Right party aligned with Likud, reportedly said "If we apply Israeli law to Area C, I'll live peacefully with the fact that we gave 400-500,000 Palestinians Israeli citizenship and allow them to vote in the Knesset's elections."

In other words, the Arabs — Muslims — in Area C will be just like all other Israeli Arabs.

They will have all the rights of all Israelis.

They will be able to freely move about the country. Translation: they will be able to work wherever it is available in Israel sans special permits.

The only difference between Jewish Israelis and non-Jewish Israelis is that the Muslims in Area C will not be drafted into the IDF (but they will be expected, albeit not forced to, do national service, usually in their home communities).

Poll after poll has been taken that indicate many Muslims living in PLO-controlled areas would prefer to live under Israeli rule.

But as with all polls, the results have to be viewed with skepticism.

   * Who was polled?

   * Where was the poll made?

   * What were the poll questions?

   * When were the polls taken?

   * Who was watching over the pollsters’ shoulders?

If you poll residents of Ramallah, the PLO capital, most responders will express hatred for Israel. If you poll residents of Detroit MI, most residents will express hatred for President Trump. It is not only WHAT is said and HOW it is said, but WHERE it is said than can skew a poll to get the result the poll’s sponsor desires.

When asked whether 400,000 residents of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods would also receive full Israeli citizenship and the right to vote in Israel's elections, Shaked said, "Jerusalem's residents choose to receive residency, not citizenship.

Non-citizen residents are similar to non-citizens legally working or studying in the U.S.; they have many rights, but not the right to vote in any government elections.

Shaked’s proposal is no more than that. Barring undue political pressure from outside Israel, Israel’s current citizens — Jews and non-Jews alike — should have the right to vote on the issue.

Whether or not the offer of citizenship is made, it would be interesting to see how the Muslims in Area C would vote if they could be guaranteed a secret ballot and an honest count.

And it they preferred the PLO to Israel, what then? Deport them to Areas A and B? Perhaps to Muslim Palestine, a/k/a Jordan? (Would Jordan take them?) They should remain in Area C as a Fifth Column.2

How many residents of Muslim neighborhoods in Jerusalem have been caught committing attacks on Israeli civilians? Residents who elected not to become Israeli citizens.

Attacks by these people and those of Area C would spell the death knell for Shaked’s plan.




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